View Full Version : Four Shades of Black - Gavin Mulholland

14th December 2008, 14:25
Has anyone read Four Shades of Black by Gavin Mulholland? It is a very well done book. Mullholland sensei teaches Okinawa Goju ryu in England. He discusses the existance of examples of ne waza within the kata. Any thoughts?


15th December 2008, 19:32

Yes I read Gavin Sensei book, it is very good - extremley well produced with some interesting content.

a well worth buy IMO, particulary good for Goju Ryu people but not limited to just them.

16th December 2008, 00:12
I agree 100% a very well done book. The layout is phenomenal. The only complaints are the way they position the opening photo of kata (i can't open the book far enough to get the full visual) and the layout of the kata is difficult to follow if you do not already have a pretty good understanding of the kata.

A lot of interesting insight.
