View Full Version : Japan's faming tools.

23rd February 2001, 03:03
Greetings! :)

I was told that sometimes in the "old days" the farmers had revolts against samurai and used their farming tools as weapons to do so. Now my question is:

Were the farming tools used in Japan very similar or practically the same as in Okinawa? If not then, were they different in some aspects?


Joseph Svinth
23rd February 2001, 04:52
I don't know, but am suggesting avenues of thought. What kind of farming is done in Okinawa? Rice and, after 1600 or so, sweet potatoes. They raise pigs, are fishermen, etc. Okay, so what tools are used in these trades?

Now, in Japan, you have lots of different climates. So different tools probably develop. Hunter Armstrong believes some Japanese pole arms developed from agricultural tools similar to pruning hooks. See, for example, http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/ejmas/iaido/1994/tin50.html . Armstrong also believes that there are military and civilian traditions to consider. This is certainly worth thinking about, too.

Finally, think about the nature of conscript armies:
"Although we have military manuals, and swords are considered the spirit of a warrior, Korean armies were mostly filled with conscripted farmers. Like in the European armies of the period, it is unlikely that the conscripts received detailed training. After all, if one teaches them how to use such weapons, they might turn them on you... This might explain why peasant conscripts were generally given long-handled weapons:- these would be less likely to hide on the farm. Alternatively, such weapons might be more similar to farm tools and so the peasants could more easily learn to use them." From http://website.lineone.net/~torm1358/dissertcritique.htm

23rd February 2001, 05:14
Thnaks Joe! :)

Well I know that in Japan they used the Kama and maybe the Sai. But I do not know if they used other tools as well as the Nunchakus, the Tonfa(Tuifa), etc...

I know the systems like the Okinawan Kobudo did not come around in Japan like in Okinawa, but at least some farming tools might have been applied, right? Lets see what can be dugged up...

Thanks again. :smilejapa
