View Full Version : Thank you... to Mr. Lindsey. (follow up survey)

Mike Passow
25th February 2001, 05:28
Mr. Lindsey,

You posted something months and months ago (I'm pretty sure it was you) about doing "follow up" calls to new students after a few months of training.

I'd like to say thank you for that bit of advice.

In the past, I would talk with students at class and see how things were going for them, but now I make a point of giving them a small survey, as well as talking to them privately about their concerns.

I was able to catch one small issue a new person had with a senior student at the point where it could be corrected for all concerned... and which happened to be something I would never have known about had I not done this follow up.

So, thank you!

For the reference of other instructors/assistant instructors, here is the small survey I gave to them. Obviously it needs a bit of refining, but this is what I use...

How have you been feeling generally about class?

What do you really like about class? Are there any exercises, philosophies, etc. that you'd enjoy learning more about or working on more?

What do you not like or makes you uncomfortable about class? Are there are any exercises or drills that you don't like to do? If so, please tell me about them.

What have you done outside of class to reinforce class training? Is it hard to find time to practice outside of class?

Would you like more specific suggestions/worksheets/video to aid your out of class practice?

If I have lent you a book or video... I'd like your thoughts/impressions on it.

Is there anything you're missing that you feel you really want to work on or learn about?

Any concerns about other students? Any other students you really feel have made your training more succesful or made you feel comfortable/accepted?

How has our training/philosophies made an impact on your everyday life? If they haven't, why not? If they had... what?

Do you have any other ideas/comments/questions/concerns at this time?

Mike Passow
Black Bear Society Martial Arts

Joseph Svinth
25th February 2001, 11:43
Something else to consider, especially after major events (demonstrations, tournaments, etc.), is an after-action review. This process involves everybody in the class and the parents/spouses who helped, if appropriate, and asks these questions:

What was planned?
What actually happened?
What worked?
What should/could have been done better?
How will we do it better next time?

It isn't name calling, it isn't finger-pointing, it isn't back-patting. What worked, what didn't, what needs to be done next time.

Write down the results on a blackboard or big piece of paper. Afterwards, write up the results, pass out copies to everyone who needs/wants/desires them, and put them into your smart book.

Then go home and start making it happen.

Mike Passow
28th February 2001, 10:29
Thanks, that's also a great suggestion!

Anyone else - tips for following-up on seminars/students?

To me, it isn't necessarily the 'fun' part of martial arts, but it provides a chance to practice what we preach to our students. :) As in thoughtfulness, awareness, etc.


Mike Passow
Black Bear Society Martial Arts Academy