View Full Version : A personal message re SPARS

tony blauer
5th March 2001, 02:14
Normally, I would not post directly to this. But you actually made my jaw unhinge more than it ever has, so I was compelled to write you here.

You do realize [actually you mustn't!] that much of your post ecplaining your 'new' system contains not just confusingly similar information from my site, research and system, but you actually use verbiage that is professioanally linked to BLAUER TACTICAL SYSTEMS research manuals and videos [all of which are protected by copyright].

Sadly this sort of behavior is endemic in the martial arts community - it is unethical and immoral, especially from a community that loves to tout 'warrior virtues' such as humility and integrity as benefits of training.

I've been sharing my perspective on training, psychology, fear management and scenario-based role-playing for 20 years. I did not disseminate this information so other's could profit. I extend this research so that conscientious instructors can pass it on to their students. But there must be a relationship established. [Interestingly the US the penalty for copyright transgressions can run as high as $10,000 per page. ]

WHile you do return to mention you mean no offense, I can tell you your use of my material - without permission or certification - is very offensive.

You admit using every contemporary innovator's research and sign as the founder of your system...confusing.

If in deed you did learn from me at some seminar, then do the right thing. You need to contact my office and/or fix this - fast. WHile I enjoy making my research available to people around the world, on every video and in every mailing there is an attached disclaimer. It reads:

Special Note to Instructors, School Operators and Senior Ranks:

“It is said, if one does not honor the source of their education, that person has learned nothing.”

In this day and age of information and innovation it is necessary to bring up the issue of Intellectual Property and Copyright. This manual as well as our research is copyrighted and in several places trademarked. You do not have permission to reprint, recite or integrate our information for profit without our consent.

If you are interested in adding any of the TCMS curriculums to your instructional arsenal, do it right. Do it professionally. Be proud of your education; open mind and professional work ethic. Educate with honor and integrity. Learn it directly from the source. We offer personal and correspondence courses for those wishing certification or accreditation.

If you would like to host a seminar or simply have a question or comment, please feel free to contact us at 514.482.1643 or fax 514.488.1698
Or Email blauerhelp@videotron.ca

All rights reserved. No part of this manual or course may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the producer.

Copyright 1994 – 1999 Blauer Tactical Confrontation Management Systems


Pretty plain english. So are the words 'Do the right thing' - fix it.

Tony Blauer


S.P.E.A.R. SYSTEM (est. 1988)

[Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response]