View Full Version : Historic "Aiki" Footage of Shioda Gozo & Robert Kennedy's Bodyguard

Cady Goldfield
25th November 2013, 17:00
This is a delightful (in my opinion, anyway) snippet of a demonstration of aikido/aikijujutsu by Shioda Gozo, arranged for U.S. Atty. General Robert Kennedy and his entourage in Japan, back in the 1960s. This short bit of footage is part of a longer film/demo that is currently available on YouTube.

According to accounts, Kennedy's bodyguard thought that Shioda's "stuff" was fake, so naturally he was the prime pick as uke for a very special demonstration of aiki.


Joseph Svinth
27th November 2013, 01:36
Tohei said that training with Honolulu policemen could be "exciting."

Cady Goldfield
27th November 2013, 02:04
Tohei said that training with Honolulu policemen could be "exciting."

Come to think of it, there is a short clip of Tohei throwing around a rather large police officer (if I'm not mistaken) who is dressed in keiko gi. Tohei has a big grin on his face...