View Full Version : Dan Harden in N.Y May 2-4 2014

Dan Harden
27th March 2014, 13:29
Most of my seminar schedule is already sold out. We are allowing spaces for new people to a few of these events.
Please note that these are private affairs with many teachers present who are interested in their own continuing work. As such, you will be required to contact me first to see if you might fit in.

Dan Harden will be returning to Aikido Arts of Shin-Budo Kai for his continuing seminar series.
185 Adams St, Bedford Hills, NY 10507

Friday Night 6:30-9pm. will be for returning attendees. Q & A and review
Sat. 10-6
Sun 10-6

This seminar is for previous attendees so that we can develop some consistency in progression amongst the regular attendees. if you have not trained with Dan Harden before, contact him directly before paying to make sure there is room, so that you can become an integral part in this continuing training experience.

The seminar will be $185 for the weekend.

Please register directly with Dan Harden and dojoseminars@gmail.com
Payments are to PayPal homeoffice@charter.net
Registration and Payments are required in advance unless you have spoken to Dan directly.

Ancient traditions * Modern Methods (http://www.bodyworkseminars.org)

27th March 2014, 23:19
Hey Dan,

Thought you quit E-budo. Welcome back :)

Dan Harden
2nd May 2014, 14:27
http://www.e-budo.com/images-ebudo/icons/icon1.png Dan Harden At Marc Abrams Dojo in N.Y.
Doesn't seem that many come here anymore, but this is for those who signed up already and might be members.
I have been traveling. Please remember that Friday night is for returning students only. Everyone else starts at ten on Sat morning.
That's it. See you there!

Ancient traditions * Modern Combatives (http://www.bodyworkseminars.org/)