View Full Version : Weight and Fitness Training

30th March 2001, 18:10
I have only touch this subject briefly on other threads but I think it deserves its own path:

Early this winter I started a weight and strength training program. Every other day I go to the gym to workout. I am 6'3, 198 lbs (tall and thin) and while I have no desire to bulk up immensely, I am interested in strengthening areas of my body that are weak, such as my upper body strength.

I have also paid close attention to strengthening my torso and abs area which have loosen my hip movements. One of the best exercises I find is to take a 24 lb bar and placing it on my shoulders with my arms wrapped on top it. In front of a mirror, I practice the various blocks, dodges and punches. Without the use of my arms, I believe this helps me to correct my hip movements.

Overall, I find that my kicks and back punches are much stronger but I am very conscious of not working out to the point where I lose my flexibility. If anything I perform the same stretching exercises that I do in the dojo before I start lifting. I even spend a few minutes trying to develop my zazen skills.


colin linz
30th March 2001, 21:31
Hi Raul,

I also believe weight training to be of benefit. Personally I would not worry about strength training, but go for power training. Along with the conventional weight training I would concentrate heavily on core stability training.

You wont need to worry about hypertrophy as it requires very specific training and takes along time to achieve, unless you have some artificial help. You should not suffer a lack of flexibility when you train correctly. Always remember to have a good cool-down and stretch session after your work out. When you do your warm up's stay away from the Static stretches and go to Dynamic or PNF stretches.


Colin Linz

Edited so that Raul can have his correct name.

31st March 2001, 03:22
Gassho Colin:

Thanks for the reply but unfortunately I do not yet understand the terminology.

What is the difference between Power Training and Strength Training?

And what is the difference between Dynamic, Static or PNF stretches?


colin linz
31st March 2001, 10:11
Gassho Raul,

Strength training revolves around lifting heavy weights, without any consideration to how fast the weight is moved. To train for power you add the element of speed. Power being work achieved over a given time.

Static stretching involves the gradual application of a stretch, and holding the position for a specified time.

PNF ( Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation ) is usually done with a partner. Your partner assists you with your stretch by holding you in a stretched position, you then try to contract the stretched muscle for 6 - 8 seconds.

Dynamic stretching revolves around creating a stretch by dynamically moving into and out of the stretch ( not uncontrolled bouncing ). This type of stretch is very good for sports requiring dynamic flexibility.

Both the last 2 stretching techniques are good for adding a strength element to your flexibility, thereby reducing the risk of injury, and maintaining better functional flexibility. These 2 techniques are OK to do during your warm-up. Static stretching is good for creating flexibility, but should not be done inside of 1 hour prior to training or competition. Latest research indicates that it can cause injury if done at this time. Tests have shown that following a static stretch of the hamstring there is about a 7% loss of strength in an eccentric contraction.

Colin Linz