View Full Version : Hello all!

David Norton
27th January 2015, 16:31
Hi! I figured my first post should be in the "welcome" section...

I'm David Norton aikido student and instructor (currently shidoin, and fourth dan with USAF). I started practicing aikido in 1987 on Long Island with Edward Hagihara. I am now in southern Maryland, where I teach at my own small dojo called Pax River Aikikai (we're also USAF affiliated). I also practice at Southern Maryland Aikido Center.

I also started training in muso jikiden eishin ryu iaido (currently shodan).

Cady Goldfield
27th January 2015, 16:57
Hello, and welcome to E-Budo. We're glad to have you here, and hope you'll enjoy participating in the forums.
If you haven't already checked out the Aikido and Sword Arts forums, among others, please take a moment and do so as you may find threads and posts of particular interest to you there, given your areas of practice.