View Full Version : ikku-kai training

len mccoy
1st September 2017, 01:53
In Kensho Furuya's book Kodo: Ancient Ways he has a picture of people in seiza their right arms raised holding something (maybe a bell) with the caption "ikku-kai training". He doesn't seem to elaborate in text and I don't seem to be able to find any references to it. Does anyone know what ikku-kai is? Could you give me some starting points?
Thank you,
Len McCoy

Chris Li
1st September 2017, 19:09
"Ichikukai (http://ichikukai.com/eindex.html)" ("1-9 Association"), named after the anniversary of Yamaoka Tesshu's death. They're holding a misogi bell, Koichi Tohei popularized that kind of training in Aikido.



len mccoy
8th September 2017, 01:43
Thank you. Big fan of your blog. Lot's of things on there about Mas Oyama, Jigaro Kano, even Chinese martial arts etc. Even if you are not into aikido it is a great read.
Len McCoy

Chris Li
8th September 2017, 02:08
Glad you're enjoying it!

