View Full Version : Not enough koryu?

Sarah M
21st July 2001, 14:25
I'm not sure of the situation is in the States or in other places around the UK but do you think jodo koryu gets a bit neglected at times? There's a lot of it and it's interesting how it uses a variety of weapons and how effective they are so it doesn't really make a lot of sense why they aren't practiced as much as *maybe* they should.
Just a thought.

Meik Skoss
23rd July 2001, 16:57
Sarah M. asked if, perhaps, koryu systems of jojutsu were not as commonly practised, even neglected, outside of Japan. I think it's a matter of where one trains. Certainly, in Japan, the U.S., lots of Europe, Australia, and Malaysia, the emphasis is on koryu rather than ZenKenRen jodo seiteigata. Then, of course, there're groups that practice jojutsu *and* jodo on a fairly equal basis. "Case by case." I hope you can find what you're looking for. If not, the folk at the Shundokwan Dojo in Geneva are definitely the real deal.

Sarah, it's the policy of e-budo to sign your full name when you're posting. You can alter your signature line to that effect. Or type it in by hand. Whichever, we like to know with whom we're writing.

Hope this helps.