View Full Version : Body For Life

23rd August 2001, 23:25
Has anyone here tried Bill Philips Body For Life out? I recently purchased 2 copies (one for my own personal use and one for my brother's birthday.) I got to admit, it does look interesting on his 12 week plan to go from fat and a slob to Superman without using steroids or creatine and not starving yourself. I was just wondering if anyone tried his diet out and what they thought of the results. If you have never heard of it, go grab a copy at the book store, sit down and read some of it at the book store. If you think it might work, buy it and try it. I am planning on starting on it within the next few days.

Scott Rehark

Pat K.
26th August 2001, 18:24
A friend of mine had good success with it. I believe that there are specific recommedations for the use of suppliments, but I could be wrong. The consensus among several workout buddies is that nearly any program will show success and progress for the first 12 weeks. Your body adapts to the demands that you are placing on it, so your progress slows as your body become more efficient. Congratulations, you just hit a plateau. If, after 12 weeks you are motivated by your success and change your program (change exercises, duration, or intensity) then you will have a Body For Life. Believe me, busting those plateaus are tough if you lack motivation. You can plan on plateauing with ANY excercise program. I try to change mine every 4-8 weeks.
