View Full Version : Usefulness of SK

24th August 2001, 07:29


We've all been asked, "How does SK stand up...".

I've seen several such inquiries and responses in this forum, and have ever remained the lurker:o .

This came up the other day when I was having lunch with a 4th level black belt of Aikido. We just laughed because the answer we came up with was, "Whoever could run the fastest!".

"Real-life" situations occur. Every situation is unique. If you can't talk your way out of violence, run from it! If you can't run from it, do your best.

The goal of self-defense is not only to be prepared for the necessity, but also to avoid the necessity at all costs.

Steve Martin

tony leith
6th September 2001, 13:03
No disagreement that the principal benefit of martial arts training for self defence is physical conditioning which enables you to run faster...

My personal experience of 'real world' applicatons is limited to one inconclusive scuffle and applying one restraint technique, so I wouldn't presume to have any authoritative knowledge.

I suppose training only becomes useful in self defence terms when it operates at the level of conditioned response without the intervention of the conscious mind. Training necessarily strikes a balance between sufficient realism to instill these responses and the natural reluctance of most of us to be beaten to a pulp in the cause of learning to defend ourselves. I suppose we should have confidence in the hokei principles which are the foundation of S. K. practice; in reality I suspect that the actual utility of the training will depend on the individual. As Steve says, the higher aspiration of budo is the avoidance of the necessity in the first place..