View Full Version : 1 ryu = 1 kiai ?

Jimmy Francoeur
6th November 2001, 11:57

I have heard somewhere (can't remember where) that each ryu have is own kiai. I have heard the kiai of the Maniwa nen ryu and Tenshin Shoden Katori Shintô ryu and they didn't sound the same at all. Is it true that You can recognize a ryu by the sound of is kiai?

Thank You very much and have all a nice day!!:wave:

Meik Skoss
6th November 2001, 13:00
It is possible to identify the tradition an exponent studies by the sound of the kiai, but there are some that are relatively similar to one another. Probably the best way to discriminate between the different schools is to identify the kamae, sabakikata, mochikata, and so on that are taken by individual ryugi. Those are pretty distinctive.

Jimmy Francoeur
6th November 2001, 14:01
Hi Mr. Skoss

Thank You very much for the fast reply!

Have a great day :)
