Samurai Jack

This is last I'm going to post on this topic.

You show up, all panting about a topic that we were NOT even discussing.
All upset about claims and posits made ELSEWHERE.
You take offense at things people on OTHER forums posted--then you bring that anger HERE to talk about.

And while your here you keep "talking" about the wrongs various "aikido" people ON OTHER FORUMS IN OTHER PLACES DID/SAID etc.

I have pointed out several time that if the folks "elsewhere" annoy you so much to PLEASE TAKE IT UP WITH THEM---we didn't say it, we didn't do it.
We had nothing to do with your angst.

If your upset about it---then please take it up with the folks that actually DID what upset you.

I enjoy spirited debate and active discussion.

I just feel that your "straw man" thing--you know where you come here, set up "their" arguements FOR them, complain about the things "they" did and preceed to attack arguements YOU MADE FOR THEM--is not the way to go about it.

That would be like me going to another forum and bagging on "This Samurai Jack guy"---"I mean can you BELIVE what he said?????"

Chris Thomas