I am currently doing research about judo in Japan in order to write my bachelors thesis and therefore I need to find some information regarding "All Judo Japan Federation"'s instruction system for judo coaches. My main problem is that I can't access the japanese documents since I can'tspeak japanese, but if I had a document, I could ask somebody to translate.

All I found so far it this link in japanese which describes the requirements to get accepted to the different seminars:

and it's "inofficial" content:

What I am currently missing is an official/scientific document that I could use as a reference in order to describe the japanese coaching licence system and ITS CONTENT or at least somebody who can give me some insight on how this whole system works in Japan.
I am also aware that they introduced a new system into schools after a study revealed the serious flaws in their education system related to judo (deaths, serious injuries...). More information on that topic would be great.

Finally, I the annually held International Seminar of Budo Culture could be a very usefull reference (especially the 25th from 2013), but there again, I can't seem to find ANY program online even though I have read texts where they used quotes from this program. ( http://judo.forumsmotion.com/t550-di...-judo-in-japan )

Here is the homepage of the National Budokan where the seminar is held:http://www.nipponbudokan.or.jp/shink...i_english.html

So I know it's a lot, but I would be grateful for any help. I have been searching for some hours now...