Thank you, Blackwood, for stating the essence of it all. And for all of the powerful, great, mediocre and awful students we train, we each also have the potential to provide knowledge to some being bent on fulfilling his Jihad, to provide a knife to a man who would use it to kill, to teach form to another who would use it against us. If we read the language of their souls through form, we might be able to avoid this . . . but then again, it may be our role to fulfill.

I am sad for your knife-making friend who abandoned his art because someone chose to use his creation to take a life. How many used his creations in other, peaceful ways? Perhaps if he saw the yin and yang of it all, he would have accepted that if that man had not used one of his knives, he would have found another's creation to fulfill what he believed his destiny to be. Creating the knives did not cause a man to die. Someone else chose to make that happen.

The same can be said for Master Rodriguez. While he did his best to evaluate the energy of all of his students, both at and beyond the physical, his teachings did not cause that man to hijack an airplane and to be able to defend himself. It was the man's choice to take what he learned to cause harm to others. I know Master Rodriguez did not teach him to do that.

And remember, in the end it was Darth Vader who helped to secure freedom for the people of the Universe, so he, too, had a role to play, so full of yin and yang.

Thank you so much for responding.