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Thread: Kama Books

  1. #1
    Zen_Celt Guest

    Default Kama Books

    Hi all,
    I'm thinking of purchasing some Kama for my brother for his birthday soon but he has no one to teach him how to use them. He is not all that interested in enrolling at a dojo and these would be sort of like a recreational thing. However, I feel that he should be able to pick up a kata or three should he choose to do so. So my question is: Are there any good books or videos that have Kama katas/techniques that I could get him to go with the Kama themselves?
    Domo Arigato

    Scott Torrence

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2000
    Erie,Pa USA
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    IMO you can not learn Kamajutsu or any type of Budo from a book or a video tape.You must first find a " creditable " teacher before you can learn.So my advice, forget about the Kama and buy something else for your brother.Since winter is coming why not buy him some ski.

    P.S their are no classical Kama kata.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2000
    Las Vegas, NV, USA
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    Exclamation Re: Kama Books (Please think twice)

    Originally posted by Zen_Celt ... Hi all,
    I'm thinking of purchasing some Kama for my brother for his birthday soon but he has no one to teach him how to use them. He is not all that interested in enrolling at a dojo and these would be sort of like a recreational thing. However, I feel that he should be able to pick up a kata or three should he choose to do so. So my question is: Are there any good books or videos that have Kama katas/techniques that I could get him to go with the Kama themselves?...
    Mr. Torrence,

    I agree with Ken on this one. Without a teacher, kama study is of questionable value and potentially very dangerous. How old is your brother? If he is a minor, I would really think twice before advocating this path of study without a teacher.

    If he insists on proceeding, make sure he is using wooden kama. The real deal can be very, very sharp and even the most experienced practioners can lay themselves open with a mishap. All it takes is an nick to an artery or vein and your brother is in serious trouble.

    With regard and concern,
    Doug Daulton

  4. #4
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    Exclamation Be very careful

    I am not usually in agreement with the accreditated posters, but you should be very careful when considering training with the kama. You do not say how old your brother is in your post, and frankly I think it extremely unwise for anyone under the age of eighteen to train with weapons in general and the kama in particular. If your brother is not interested in kobudo as an art and just wants to play around (for lack of a better phrase), then wooden kama will produce no more than a nasty bruise should he miscalculate. Do not under any circumstances give him kama with metal blades unless the edges and the points are dulled and /or unsharpened. Even the points on an unsharpened junk kama can rip open flesh or penetrate the skin deeply, as I can attest to from personal experience. These weapons are not toys, the modern American martial arts scene not withstanding, and if qualified instruction is not available in your area, he might be better served with a different weapon or tool which might not have fatal consequences if a mistake is made.
    Michael Martin

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