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  1. You say DO and I say TO....
  2. Learn Japanese Now
  3. Kanji for Sai... Help!
  4. Tagei Jutsu ?
  5. Japanese words for master or equivalent, like shihan, hanshi
  6. Experienced in major translations...?!?
  7. Budo in Classical Japanese Texts
  8. Romaji transcripts to Japanese movies?
  9. TEST
  10. whats language course works........
  11. Shidoshi means?
  12. Looking for Kanji
  13. Budo, Bujutsu, kobudo
  15. Japanese fonts.
  17. anyone know what happened to Otake
  18. Learning sources?
  19. Nihongono hon wo kaitai desuga...
  20. Ki ichi sai
  21. Budo, Budou or Budoh....does it really matter??
  22. Shinzen...Zenshin
  23. looking for poems, bonsai or nature realted...
  24. Renshu no toki
  25. Japanese names for Americans
  26. Calligraphy ??
  27. Seibuhkan
  28. Listening...
  29. Japanese books?
  30. KANJI
  31. Aquestion of term usage
  32. kanji source
  33. Looking for a word....
  34. Best PC resource
  35. Haiku question
  36. Bujutsu jotatsu no hiketsu
  37. Kanji and Romanji
  38. ...Jitsu, ...Jutsu. Someone please clear this up!
  39. Kanji ID needed!
  40. Looking for Kanji
  41. Alternatives to Canon Wordtank?
  42. translation?
  43. Kanji windows
  44. kanji for
  45. Death from overwork
  46. The hototogisu
  47. On-line translation
  48. Shibui or Shibumi?
  49. Unknown Symbol.
  50. Shinshii A Meaning and Kanji???
  51. Can someone translate something for me?
  52. Could someone please translate something for me??
  53. a game of Go
  54. Does Honcho = Hancho???
  55. Nihongo Bloopers and Practical Jokes (Karakuri's...)
  56. Kanji?
  57. Translator(s) Wanted
  58. Help with Japanese Names...
  60. Original japanese text wanted
  61. Could you translate please!
  62. Sanmitsu Kanji
  63. Has anyone tried this?
  64. There are no stupid questions...
  65. Translation please
  66. Translation needed, please..
  67. What is the difference between gozaimasu and gozaimashita?
  68. English to Japanese translation
  69. Help needed
  70. Seal Script
  71. Kanji for Keijutsukan?
  72. translation
  73. nebari no heiho translation inquiry
  74. happo + hiken
  75. Kyojitsu Kanji Needed
  76. some help with kanji and japanese please
  77. Shidoin
  78. Osu
  79. General Language Question
  80. need a good translation in budo manner
  81. Letter to jeff hamacher
  82. the number 4
  83. Study in Japanese Universities
  84. Could someone give me a hand please?
  85. Correct me if I'm wrong...
  86. Wandering Dragon
  87. Viewing Japanese Characters in your browser
  88. Using English Keyboard For Typing Japanese
  89. Kanji for the word Cobra.
  90. Mjer
  91. Online Kana Flashcard System
  92. kanji for a name?
  93. how to say a certain phrase?
  94. Gotta name the baby!
  95. Kanji Request
  96. Request for Kanji for a name
  97. Quick question
  98. <Humor> So you want to learn Japanese?
  99. Romanization of my name?
  100. Translation of name to Japanese
  101. Teach yourself japanese in 24 hours!
  102. Wolf in japanese?
  103. Kanji
  104. Japanese online
  105. Faux Pas
  106. I need translate from spanish
  107. definition
  108. Any hint?....Generally?
  109. Translation request
  110. Another translation request please
  111. BU Revisited
  112. EngRish Anyone????
  113. How to pronounce "Ryu"
  114. Learning to speak Japanese
  115. Help Procuring "Go Rin No Sho" in Japanese
  116. Looking for Pimsleur CD/tapes
  117. Translations
  118. Kyokushinkai
  119. Is this Japanese?
  120. Help on Japanese name Kanji.
  121. How To Insert Kanji into MS Word
  122. The phrase "No Kata"
  123. Shodo
  124. Kyokushinkai sign
  125. Name on Belt
  126. WaiWai?
  127. Help with name
  128. touin?
  129. Training, practising, studying...
  130. otaku
  131. Nouns for 'I' and 'you' and their use
  132. Muso
  133. This should tick some japanese off
  134. My Aikido homework....
  135. Budo jiten, any reliable ones?
  136. Andrew Nelson guide- help?
  137. Japanese numbers
  138. kiai?
  139. Beginner's Japanese
  140. translator/WP
  141. How to write my name in Japanese?
  142. Japanese in webpages?
  143. Punctuation marks?
  144. Inscription on blade
  145. how do you pronounce???
  146. Looking for kanji resource
  147. katsujinken/satsujinken
  148. Getting your ikyu/nikyu 1Q/2Q in Japan!!
  149. Things to say (or not say) to women in Japanese
  150. 'Shi' or 'Yon'
  151. translation
  152. Moichido - Mo Ichi Do
  153. Memorizing ALL these kanji!!!!
  154. Does writing out the kanji help you memorize them better?
  155. "Ichi Go Ichi E"
  156. JUTSU is "the way"?
  157. Heian ... hei+an vs. heiwa+antei
  158. Shizuoka International Translation Competition
  159. Contemplating applying for JET
  160. Obakemono
  161. What is are the words for...
  162. Budo / Warrior Name ?
  163. Converting Japanese Win XP over to English
  164. kanji learning online!!! Check this out!!
  165. uke
  166. English?
  167. genri or gensoku?
  168. Great humor from a Japanese Major
  169. Turning Japanese
  170. kanji for judo, jiu jitsu and kyokushin
  171. Japanese Translation Help?
  172. pronunciation help please.
  173. Pimsleur Japanese language program CDs?
  174. Romanji to English translators?
  175. Japanese Translators
  176. Kanji for Choki Motobu
  177. kakari te
  178. "Soul" in Japanese
  179. Translation Stuff
  180. Important terms
  181. list of budo kanji?
  182. Rare Kanji that I can't find the meaning of...
  183. Translator for my books
  184. Kanji that I can't find in JWPce
  185. "Remembering the Kanji" Series
  186. sugoi!
  187. Kanji translation help
  188. "Literal" translation, please
  189. Thanks!
  190. Meaning of Katori
  191. A deity name and place and person's name (readings)
  192. More translation help needed...
  193. Homestay in Japan
  194. Literal translation of english
  195. I Got My 3kyu!!!
  196. Where does the professor thing come from?
  197. raven and rabbit?
  198. A Kanji that I'm wondering about...
  199. Kanji for Kyu Grades
  200. History of Japanese
  201. Translation? Anyone?
  202. Japanese for 'pivot'?
  203. Jigotai or Jigohontai?
  204. taguri?
  205. Name for Karate Club
  206. we have "that" as well.........
  207. phonetic tenten?
  208. Question concerning gi.
  209. Problems Learning
  210. browser display problem
  211. Translation question
  212. Scan and translate- any software?
  213. Music?
  214. definition
  215. Japanese Commands
  216. Japanese words for body parts
  217. Sakura
  218. Body Parts II
  219. Japanese Words Processor - Freeware/Shareware
  220. Jap term for swordsmith?
  221. Online J<->E dictonary
  222. translation please
  223. kanji on web pages
  224. what does yori mean?
  225. Japanese name for sword stand
  226. want to learn japanese...
  227. True Type Font
  228. What does this Kanji mean?
  229. Kanji for "banpen fugyo"?
  230. An idea....Anyone?
  231. Baikingu...?
  232. help with Japanese "touden"???
  233. J<->E Dictonary program
  234. Kyu/Dan spellings
  235. Project name?
  236. Ryu
  237. books in Hiragana?
  238. Internet Character Encoding?
  239. Dialects
  240. one more time
  241. Learning Japanese
  242. technique categories
  243. Spirit
  244. Nihon vs. Nippon
  245. Small Translation
  246. Can I get a proper translation
  247. self study resources
  248. Translation help
  249. Nihongo bloopers Hall of Fame
  250. Strange Duties Brought On By Knowing An Enemy Language (English)