View Full Version : Language
- You say DO and I say TO....
- Learn Japanese Now
- Kanji for Sai... Help!
- Tagei Jutsu ?
- Japanese words for master or equivalent, like shihan, hanshi
- Experienced in major translations...?!?
- Budo in Classical Japanese Texts
- Romaji transcripts to Japanese movies?
- whats language course works........
- Shidoshi means?
- Looking for Kanji
- Budo, Bujutsu, kobudo
- Japanese fonts.
- anyone know what happened to Otake
- Learning sources?
- Nihongono hon wo kaitai desuga...
- Ki ichi sai
- Budo, Budou or Budoh....does it really matter??
- Shinzen...Zenshin
- looking for poems, bonsai or nature realted...
- Renshu no toki
- Japanese names for Americans
- Calligraphy ??
- Seibuhkan
- Listening...
- Japanese books?
- Aquestion of term usage
- kanji source
- Looking for a word....
- Best PC resource
- Haiku question
- Bujutsu jotatsu no hiketsu
- Kanji and Romanji
- ...Jitsu, ...Jutsu. Someone please clear this up!
- Kanji ID needed!
- Looking for Kanji
- Alternatives to Canon Wordtank?
- translation?
- Kanji windows
- kanji for
- Death from overwork
- The hototogisu
- On-line translation
- Shibui or Shibumi?
- Unknown Symbol.
- Shinshii A Meaning and Kanji???
- Can someone translate something for me?
- Could someone please translate something for me??
- a game of Go
- Does Honcho = Hancho???
- Nihongo Bloopers and Practical Jokes (Karakuri's...)
- Kanji?
- Translator(s) Wanted
- Help with Japanese Names...
- Original japanese text wanted
- Could you translate please!
- Sanmitsu Kanji
- Has anyone tried this?
- There are no stupid questions...
- Translation please
- Translation needed, please..
- What is the difference between gozaimasu and gozaimashita?
- English to Japanese translation
- Help needed
- Seal Script
- Kanji for Keijutsukan?
- translation
- nebari no heiho translation inquiry
- happo + hiken
- Kyojitsu Kanji Needed
- some help with kanji and japanese please
- Shidoin
- Osu
- General Language Question
- need a good translation in budo manner
- Letter to jeff hamacher
- the number 4
- Study in Japanese Universities
- Could someone give me a hand please?
- Correct me if I'm wrong...
- Wandering Dragon
- Viewing Japanese Characters in your browser
- Using English Keyboard For Typing Japanese
- Kanji for the word Cobra.
- Mjer
- Online Kana Flashcard System
- kanji for a name?
- how to say a certain phrase?
- Gotta name the baby!
- Kanji Request
- Request for Kanji for a name
- Quick question
- <Humor> So you want to learn Japanese?
- Romanization of my name?
- Translation of name to Japanese
- Teach yourself japanese in 24 hours!
- Wolf in japanese?
- Kanji
- Japanese online
- Faux Pas
- I need translate from spanish
- definition
- Any hint?....Generally?
- Translation request
- Another translation request please
- BU Revisited
- EngRish Anyone????
- How to pronounce "Ryu"
- Learning to speak Japanese
- Help Procuring "Go Rin No Sho" in Japanese
- Looking for Pimsleur CD/tapes
- Translations
- Kyokushinkai
- Is this Japanese?
- Help on Japanese name Kanji.
- How To Insert Kanji into MS Word
- The phrase "No Kata"
- Shodo
- Kyokushinkai sign
- Name on Belt
- WaiWai?
- Help with name
- touin?
- Training, practising, studying...
- otaku
- Nouns for 'I' and 'you' and their use
- Muso
- This should tick some japanese off
- My Aikido homework....
- Budo jiten, any reliable ones?
- Andrew Nelson guide- help?
- Japanese numbers
- kiai?
- Beginner's Japanese
- translator/WP
- How to write my name in Japanese?
- Japanese in webpages?
- Punctuation marks?
- Inscription on blade
- how do you pronounce???
- Looking for kanji resource
- katsujinken/satsujinken
- Getting your ikyu/nikyu 1Q/2Q in Japan!!
- Things to say (or not say) to women in Japanese
- 'Shi' or 'Yon'
- translation
- Moichido - Mo Ichi Do
- Memorizing ALL these kanji!!!!
- Does writing out the kanji help you memorize them better?
- "Ichi Go Ichi E"
- JUTSU is "the way"?
- Heian ... hei+an vs. heiwa+antei
- Shizuoka International Translation Competition
- Contemplating applying for JET
- Obakemono
- What is are the words for...
- Budo / Warrior Name ?
- Converting Japanese Win XP over to English
- kanji learning online!!! Check this out!!
- uke
- English?
- genri or gensoku?
- Great humor from a Japanese Major
- Turning Japanese
- kanji for judo, jiu jitsu and kyokushin
- Japanese Translation Help?
- pronunciation help please.
- Pimsleur Japanese language program CDs?
- Romanji to English translators?
- Japanese Translators
- Kanji for Choki Motobu
- kakari te
- "Soul" in Japanese
- Translation Stuff
- Important terms
- list of budo kanji?
- Rare Kanji that I can't find the meaning of...
- Translator for my books
- Kanji that I can't find in JWPce
- "Remembering the Kanji" Series
- sugoi!
- Kanji translation help
- "Literal" translation, please
- Thanks!
- Meaning of Katori
- A deity name and place and person's name (readings)
- More translation help needed...
- Homestay in Japan
- Literal translation of english
- I Got My 3kyu!!!
- Where does the professor thing come from?
- raven and rabbit?
- A Kanji that I'm wondering about...
- Kanji for Kyu Grades
- History of Japanese
- Translation? Anyone?
- Japanese for 'pivot'?
- Jigotai or Jigohontai?
- taguri?
- Name for Karate Club
- we have "that" as well.........
- phonetic tenten?
- Question concerning gi.
- Problems Learning
- browser display problem
- Translation question
- Scan and translate- any software?
- Music?
- definition
- Japanese Commands
- Japanese words for body parts
- Sakura
- Body Parts II
- Japanese Words Processor - Freeware/Shareware
- Jap term for swordsmith?
- Online J<->E dictonary
- translation please
- kanji on web pages
- what does yori mean?
- Japanese name for sword stand
- want to learn japanese...
- True Type Font
- What does this Kanji mean?
- Kanji for "banpen fugyo"?
- An idea....Anyone?
- Baikingu...?
- help with Japanese "touden"???
- J<->E Dictonary program
- Kyu/Dan spellings
- Project name?
- Ryu
- books in Hiragana?
- Internet Character Encoding?
- Dialects
- one more time
- Learning Japanese
- technique categories
- Spirit
- Nihon vs. Nippon
- Small Translation
- Can I get a proper translation
- self study resources
- Translation help
- Nihongo bloopers Hall of Fame
- Strange Duties Brought On By Knowing An Enemy Language (English)
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