- Karate Kumite Video Compilations
- Karate Kata Video Compilations
- All Japanese and Okinawan Karate Video Compilations
- Tamo - Fact or Fiction
- all Japanese and Okinawan kobudo Video Compilations
- Historical Discovery [Itosu Ankoh Photo] cross post
- Shotokan - Expunged From Japanese History
- Video of Karate On line (karateondemand.com)
- Questions about Shorin Ryu
- Video Analysis - Man vs Beast
- Taiji and God Hand - Fact or Fiction
- Sindo Ryu???
- Yamaguchi's Goju vs Miyagi's Goju
- Street Reality Related Video Compilations
- Kyokushin karate and taikiken
- Encyclopaedia of Goju Ryu Karate by Morio Higaonna
- 2nd Translation of Karate-Do Kyohan
- I was interested in getting a good book on Karate and the different Katas
- Genseiryu and Genwakai
- Mudra in Karate?
- Question regarding a pre 1944 Picture?
- Perfection of Character
- Mikio Yahara and KWF Karate
- Video about Shotokan, Wadoryu, Shitoryu and Gojuryu kata, kumite, WKF competition.
- Examining Kata
- Can anyone comment on the meaning and/or origin of this symbol?
- George B. Wallace
- High res. Image Wanted -
- Ryukyu Kempo Training Videos
- Is Goju-Ryu Koryu?
- The 4th Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival
- Isao Obata
- Moving Zen, Karate as a way of Gentleness
- History of Karate Shiai
- Shotokan Karate, the first ten years
- Kenpo Uniform
- One strike knock out
- What is "ti" ??
- Human Weapon, Dissappointing?
- Shuri Ryu Karate and Shitoyoshinkai Jui Jitsu
- Shinto Jinen Ryu & Yagyu Shingan Ryu
- Bruce Tegner and Tani-Ha Shito Ryu Karate
- Uechi Ryu, is it Karate?
- what's the best karate movie?
- Karate in the 1950s
- Listing of Okinawan Karate Ryuha
- Listing of Karate Ryuha of Japan
- Gigo's mystery kata
- Karate Lineage
- The other Funakoshis and Shotokan
- Wado Teruo Kono sensei footage
- Wado Naoki Ishikawa's very last demonstration
- US Personnel taught karate in Tokorozawa
- family tree
- Senior British Karateka
- Senior Canadian Karateka
- In Search of: The Kata of Te
- Any info on Kenyu-Ryu?
- Chito-ryu Karate Event Review
- Help with this Karate book
- Shito-ryu: a shuri-te style?
- All Goju Network??
- Tatsuo Suzuki
- New Book by H. Kinjō, "From Chinese Hand to Empty Hand"
- The Karate Rap
- Dumb Question About Turning
- New German Book on Shotokan History and Teachings
- Funakoshi's Posse
- New German Book on Funakoshi Gichin and Yoshitaka
- "Scouting Out The Historical Course Of Karate: Collected Essays" by Henning Wittwer
- Kenseido
- 1952 Footage of G. Funakoshi M. Nakayama
- Myth, history and Mas Oyama
- Karate Poems
- USA Goju Karate and the enigma of Peter Urban
- Evolution of Karate
- General Tian Bubishi
- Ningen keisei人間形成
- “Higaonna Kamesuke on Karate in Okinawa, Japan & Hawaii” by Henning Wittwer
- Father of Modern Karate?
- New German Book by Henning Wittwer
- Peter Urban Lineage?
- 2024 Olympic Karate's exclusion in France.
- Funakoshi Autobiography: Translation Problems
- Shigeru Sawabe Sensei
- One Of My Karate Sensei
- “Funakoshi Gichin INTRODUCTION TO KARATE – Translation & Analysis” by Henning Wittwer