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  1. Interesting site
  2. Tsuka length and Aesthetics
  3. Sword Prohibitions/Regulations during Edo Jidai
  4. Kenjutsu in the UK
  5. Shinden/Eishin
  6. TEXT: daisho, from Joly's Sword and Same book
  7. please feel free to ask
  8. kendo kata videos?
  9. Weighting Differences...
  10. TEXT: Tools and the Sword by Lafcadio Hearn (1904)
  11. Merits of employing stamping in Iai ?
  12. vacant vs positive swordsmanship
  13. Ryuha uses Nodaichi/Choken or long swords?
  14. Tameshigiri Tai Kai
  15. Iaido Dojo
  16. Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Lineage
  17. Kenjutsu in Japan
  18. Japanese Sword arts in NJ?
  19. NYC Iai Seminar.
  20. PIC: Looooooong Sword
  21. Photo: Toyama-ryu demo circa 1936
  22. Maki Uchi, Katori Shinto Ryu ony?
  23. Does Kendo complement Iai ?
  24. Enshin Itto Ryu Batto Jutsu?
  25. looking for special kote
  26. Itto-ryu kenjutsu lineage
  27. The Sword and the Thumb
  28. meaning of the term "momodachi"
  29. The Deity and the Sword
  30. Nakayama Hakudo: Display Great Spirit of Bushido
  31. Wood Training Sword
  32. iado-iajutsu
  33. Shoulder Blades
  34. Tameshigiri
  35. Sword arts in Wales ?
  36. Discover Channel Presentation.
  37. Point vs. Edge
  38. New Sword Forum?
  39. Jigen-ryu gokui?
  40. do you just do sword?
  41. sword size
  42. TSKSR vs Other Ryus?
  43. Constructing a bokken
  44. Schools in FNQ
  45. Kendo/Sword Arts training in Tampa Bay area?
  46. Yanagi ryu kenjitsu
  47. Crimson Steel
  48. what kind of bokouto are using ...
  49. Sword care?
  50. Tameshigiri
  51. Kids Kendo Bogu
  52. Iaido in Japan
  53. Guntô or not guntô
  54. Kodachi
  56. Other weapons in Shinkendo
  57. Decisive Weapons
  58. Koryu in Kyoto/Nara
  59. Interested ?
  60. Iaido Videos Wanted
  61. Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu
  62. I have some questions
  63. A question for everybody!
  64. kendo/Itto ryu
  65. Kenjutsu in WI
  66. Zenkoku Iaido Renmei?
  67. Grappling and Sparring in MSR?
  68. Terminology?
  69. Iaido - Kenjutsu Instruction
  70. Iaido
  71. Batto Jutsu Tai Kai in Orlando FL
  72. Where can I buy a bamboo wakizashi?
  73. Kakegoe
  74. Hokushin Shinô-ryu
  75. Miyamoto Musashi sword work
  76. Kenjutsu/Iaido/Battojutsu??What are they?
  77. Mugai Ryu Iaido Waza
  78. Kodachi-jutsu or a short-sword training of some kind
  79. Hasegawa Eishin and Katori Shinto Ryu
  80. Origin of Bangai no Bu
  81. Tieing the sageo
  82. Bob Elder's Batto Jutsu Tai Kai
  83. Any Legal Eagles Out There?
  84. The History of Iaido
  85. Orlando Batto Jutsu Tai Kai
  86. next tai kai
  87. Wazamono help!
  88. Tsubame Gaeshi - Ganryu Ryu - Sasaki Kojiro's school
  89. R. McCartneys tai kai
  90. Muso Chokuden Eishin Ryu??????
  91. Monouchi question
  92. Tai Kai Judging
  93. Why are you into that weird sword stuff?
  94. Certain type of katana...
  95. Sword training in Aikido?
  96. iwama bukiwaza and nitenichi ryu
  97. Any difference between MJER iaido and MJER iaijutsu?
  98. Kenjuto questions
  99. Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Seiza- Nobu complete
  100. Koniichi-wa/Komban-wa
  101. Folded steel katana of Chen
  102. Crossovers between ryu
  103. Sword query
  104. Yanagi ryu video
  105. Blade Makers?
  106. Western Regional Tournament of Swordsmanship
  107. Why aren't the sword arts more popular among women?
  108. male:female ratios in budo
  109. Looking to practice a form of Sword Technique. Need help.
  110. Grinders & Temper Loss???
  111. Any kenjutsu schools in MA, USA?
  112. Fur Tsuba?
  113. All Japan Battoudo Meet
  114. Nice tameshigiri video
  115. Swords of the 47 ronin
  116. Words of Wisdom from Bob Egnath
  117. Sword art styles and schools?
  118. TSKSR in UK?
  119. Cutting Questions, penetrating questions
  120. Itto-ryu bokken on sale??
  121. New MJER dojo web site
  122. All Japan Battoudo Meet
  123. sword stupidity
  124. Display of Katana
  125. Tatami-omote by Mugen Dachi
  126. Nakamura Taizaburo Sensei's 1985 Video Now Released
  127. Outdoor vs Indoor
  128. Looking for quality woden naginata....
  129. Orlando Tai Kai Video
  130. A Shinkendo question
  131. Brainteaser for you Sword people
  132. Japanese kenjutsu in Korea?
  133. information on Niten Ichi Ryu?
  134. Please help a beginer!!!!!
  135. Tony Alvarez breaks sword
  136. MJER Curriculum
  137. Circle of life theory and application in a duellum
  138. Am I missing something or .......?
  139. Bugei swords sold at Museum Replicas
  140. TSKR sword versus spear.
  141. Alternative to Wara & Bamboo
  142. Tameshigiri Iaido Competition
  143. Trying to find Kote...
  144. Kenjutsu in Germany?
  145. steel iaito question
  146. Nosyuiaido Copy-Cat Blades
  147. Uses of the terms kamae and gamae in different schools
  148. Chinese sword arts
  149. Where can I learn more about Jigen ryu and Yagyu ryu kenjutsu?
  150. Welcome to my new samurai homepage.
  151. kendo kata origins
  152. Cutting test of Shogun Katana and Tiger Wakizashi
  153. Chicago Kendo Clubs Addresses
  154. Kendo Dojo?
  155. New web site with tameshigiri videos
  156. Looking for copy of
  157. New MJER Site
  158. New MSR Book
  159. Bugei vs. Nosyuiaido
  160. Built for swordsmanship?
  161. Where are Kendo trainer
  162. Looking for school...???
  163. Broke my saya!
  164. Paul Chen
  165. Inaba Sensei and Kashima shin ryu
  166. MSR tachi uchi no kurai
  167. Sword Arts/Naginata Instruction in LA?
  168. shields, using a sword one handed, saya... oh my
  169. Ninpo Kenjutsu Seminar
  170. 5 dan testing
  171. NY sword schools
  172. sword arts
  173. Dedicated student looking...
  174. :nin: SwordStore.com :nin:
  175. Sword myth and fact
  176. Sword use
  177. Historical relevance of Batto techniques
  178. bokken of biwa wood
  179. Edge To Edge - Yes Or No?
  180. Why the grip?
  181. holding swords
  182. kashima shinden jikishin kage-ryu?
  183. Sword vs. M-1
  184. Saya Shavings
  185. question on making a saya
  186. Chinese Sword Name?
  187. Miyamoto Usagi
  188. Help Please
  189. buying american made blade
  190. Anyone happen to know James Craig (WY)
  191. Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu: Authorized Webpage
  192. Building a sword from scratch
  193. Muso Shinden Iaido
  194. Michael Hurley
  195. Musashi - The 35 Articles on the Art of Swordsmanship
  196. Attn: Mr Svinth
  197. Ainu and kendo?
  198. Authentic hand made Katana?
  199. NABA & Mr. McCartney?
  200. 35 Articles Summarization
  201. Hoshino alert from Chris Bowen
  202. NABA & Mr. McCartney
  203. slow draw in iaido? I don't think so.....
  204. Respond to Guy Power
  205. Training
  206. G. Power, R. McCartney/NABA: if the shoe fits...
  207. if the shoe fits
  208. senbongiri - and Guy Power
  209. NABA and USMAA ?
  210. interested
  211. My final word to e-budoists
  212. NAGAE Matasaburo
  213. PS, you're not listening.
  214. Volunteering your skills
  215. Any sword shows in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, or Arkansas this year?
  216. A few belated reminders
  217. Should rank be honored when training in a new art?
  218. Last Legend vs Orchid Chen Katanas
  219. POLL: Gendai Sword Forum?
  220. Iado in sacramento (ca)?
  221. Kodachi vs. katana
  222. Iaido in Honolulu, Hawaii?
  223. Shindo Munen Ryu and Nakakura Sensei
  224. Muso Jikiden Eishen Ryu: koryu or budo?
  225. Curiousity about fighting kendoka
  226. Sword arts in Denver
  227. Why did you choose the sword art(s) you are in?
  228. To Guy Power: A question about the 8 noto
  229. Looking for sources
  230. Ioriken Battojutsu
  231. Kendo in Long Island, NY ????
  232. Requesting a personal mentor for a school project, Please Read
  233. Attn: Mr. Nathan Scott, ? about 2nd kata MPEG
  234. We need instruction on the Central Coast, CA
  235. Sword.ne.jp
  236. Are you an asset or liability to JSA?
  237. Heel up stance
  238. Need good article(s), can anyone help?
  239. Home sharpening
  240. Do any schools teach the use of both swords?
  241. The Deshi's Prayer
  242. Sword
  243. Iaido in Columbus Ohio?
  244. ono-ha itto ryu
  245. Experienced swordsmen - do you train with live blades for kata?
  246. Iaito Care?
  247. Info. on Jigen RYu Kenjutsu
  248. Using the sword from horseback
  249. Question for yall kenjutsu guys
  250. Nishio Sensei's Ken and Jo question.