- Kusari Gama
- Practicing Jodo
- Center Grip
- Don't forget to sign with your full name, please!
- SMR in Chicago?
- Jigen Ryu Jojutsu?
- Carvings on training weapons
- Ignorant questions
- SMR jo in NYC (or thereabouts)?
- SMR jojutsu = jodo?
- Developing striking skills
- Shindo Muso Ryu
- little finger usage
- Jodo Kyohan request
- Uchidachi and Shidachi
- origins of aiki-jo
- Jo and the long of arms
- Kusarigama finished
- Carrying the kusarigama
- Who is...
- Kuroda no jô
- Jodo terms
- Correct translation for "nigiri"
- tenouchi question
- Axes moved to general Koryu forum
- ewabo and the keijo
- Anyone teaching non-Aiki related Jo in Northern CA?
- Jo in New England?
- Tandoku Renshu
- Jojutsu/Jodo dojos in Chicago?
- Few questions about the 'jo'
- Isshin Ryu?
- Taiho Jutsu
- Has anyone heard of these?
- Jo Clubs in Alexandria Virginia
- Shinto Muso-ryu jo training in NYC area
- A small community?
- Matsui Kenji's Jo book (in translation)
- Police Use Of The Jo
- Ikkaku-Ryu?
- SMR Jodo videos
- Away from computer
- Rare bird?
- Why so few?
- Shindo Muso ryu Jodo Ma-ai ?
- proper arrangement of bokken and jo
- Question from a beginner
- From a different angle
- Bujutsu/Budo research - 3 mins of your time?
- ZNJR Ranking/Grading
- Jo Instructional / Reference Books
- Jodo vs. Jojutsu
- Kusari Gama
- Jo in Minneapolis area?
- Jo teacher in the Boston Area?
- smr: omote vs. chudan
- sen
- etiquette of injury
- jo vs jo
- transmission and personalisation
- Jo Kata and History
- Origin of SMR's Kenjutsu.
- Shiokawa-ha?
- article on hikiotoshi
- Not enough koryu?
- jojutsu
- training in SMR jo, koryu
- Jo - Great weapon !
- Jodo demo at Japanese Festival in St. Louis
- Custom Bo maker in Kanto?
- recommendations?
- jo training
- Seitei differences.
- Shinto musoryu jo kiai
- battlefield conditions ;o)
- Jodo in southern France?
- Direction to links
- Gunnasoki's Bo
- jo sensei
- General Question on Jodo
- Jodo Seiteikata
- Anyone remember Dan (Danny) Nunez?
- Jodo Seminar in Petersburg, Virginia
- the japanese short staff
- practice dummies
- Furibo, Kanabo, and Tetsubo?
- Jutte and Jitte?
- Shinto Muso Ryu Jo lines?
- Info Please
- te no uchi in Jojutsu
- Storing a Jo
- Seminar report -- Jodo and aikido in Chicago
- Koryu Renmei FYI
- Looking for Shinto Muso Ryu in Virginia Beach
- SMR Jodo in Kansas City
- Theory or Fact?
- Kaeshi Tsuki
- How many styles of Jo?
- Congratulations for Oku-iri in SMR Jodo
- Jodo in Houston
- Dog Brothers?
- Jodo: The Way of the Stick Request
- Shinto-ryu
- Kihon kata - 12
- Jodo in Philly Area
- Jojutsu development.
- USA Jodo Federation
- USA Jodo Federation
- kukishin ryu compared to shindo muso ryu
- Randori question
- Hey any of you guys ever do the dog brothers thing?
- hey dose any one know where i can find a list of jo teachers in my aria?
- Jo sizes
- Upcoming Tokyo jodo training
- koryu.com
- Happy New Year to everyone,
- Where to train in Sweden?
- Jodo seminar!
- Jodo and the ZNKR
- SMR in So Cal
- Stick grappling with the Jo
- Names for parts of the jo
- Jubei no Jo
- Jodo Dojo's ?
- Jo threads
- SeiTei Jo Seminar in Guelph May 16-19th 2003
- swordwork and jodo
- ZNKR testing
- recruitment
- Your favourite section of jo
- tosui tanjo
- New Jo Portal
- video research
- Cutting a Jo
- Did Ernest Hemingway do jodo?
- Hard wood?
- kodachi
- Gi with wide sleeves for jodo?
- Lack of faith
- Synergy effects: Iaido and Jodo
- Dojos in Southern California?
- Upcoming FEJ events
- Downunder Seminars with Nishioka Sensei
- European Championships 2003
- tasmanian oak for jo
- What are the characteristics of good kiai?
- suio ryu jo-jutsu
- warped jo
- Gruzanski and Jodo
- snapped tanjo
- Iaijutsu in SMR
- Does a jo have to be 50 inches?
- Aiki jo is thicker than SMR?
- Sanding the jo and chalking your hands.
- Seriously Warped Jo Puns
- Jodo Classes
- Happy Xmas My Friends
- Have you guys ever have put on some Kali armor and just gone ape on each other?
- Jo "New Years Resolutions"....
- technical term jodo
- Niten Ryu vs Nito waza in Jodo
- The Last Samurai got me thinking..........
- Black Belt Requirements
- Dan ranking vs. Menkyo
- Kingfisher Jo
- 31 count jo kata
- Takeda-ryu Jojutsu (Uchida-ryu Tanjo & Kukishin-ryu Hanbo)
- Best SMR Jodo Book?
- Jodo and Other Weapons
- Things that make you go hmmm!
- Just got my new Jo (and Tanjo)
- book by shimizu sensei
- Kensei to Gokui - Jo practitioner query
- 4 foot hanbo
- Soke - headmaster
- Fukuoka - Tokyo
- Question
- Unknown Jodo book?
- Sword cutting a jo during a parry?
- Timing
- Shidachi with boken
- Differences between koryu and seitei
- Wearing of wakizashi with katana
- Keijojutsu
- Musashi vs. Gonnosuke--details of second fight?
- Tips that i need.
- Cinema stickwork
- Nagashi No Jo
- my jo is sticky
- Rembukan Dojo 15th Anniversary Gasshuku
- New Jo Class --San Francisco
- History of Isshin Ryu Kusarigama Justu
- Kata and Senses
- kasumi shinto ryu
- Jodo dojos in North Jersey
- All quiet in jodo forum...again.
- The Canary Islands Stick Fencing
- Advantages of Jo and Bo: A comparitive discussion
- Jo Katas
- tenouchi of jo
- Bo/ Jo/ etc.
- jodo school locations
- Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo Media
- The Traditional Canary Islands Stick Fencing
- Shindo Muso Ryu KORYU forms
- Seiryukai May Gasshuku
- Kuroda Han torite/yawara/etc. ?
- Jodo Kyohan - Nakajima Sensei
- kodachi?
- SMR DVD with Shimizu and Kuroda Sensei
- Tape on the Jo-staff
- Your reason for taking up Jodo
- Looking for Jodo instruction in LA
- SMR DVD with Matsui Kenji Sensei
- Should one start off with koryu or seitei first
- Full Syllabus of SMR Jodo
- length of jo
- Blistered Thumb and Web of hand
- 2006 Australian Jodo Seminar and Championships
- Canadian Jodo grading Nov 13, 2005
- JoJutsu in Philly?
- European Jodo Championships
- Jodo in Tahoe/Reno area?
- How to start training in SMR jodo
- Jodo Seminar
- Jodo
- Phil Relnick interview on AJ
- Jodo in NYC area
- SMR Succession
- Shinto Muso-ryu Hozen Kai?
- Matsumura no Jo
- Non Martial Training with a Jo
- Fujita Seiko?
- Police Jo?
- The Jinja of Muso Gonnosuke
- width of grip in (aiki-)jo
- The practical usage of the Jo during Edo-period
- A Book on Tenshin Shoden Shinto Muso Ryu Jojutsu
- Jodo Dojo Finder.
- Ho hum...
- Announcing: Shinto Muso-ryu jo in Philadelphia
- 45 min Seitei Jodo video on google-video site
- Shimizu sensei video clip (youtube)
- small finger on bottom?
- Foreign Exchange for Jodo.