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Pages : [1] 2

  1. Kusari Gama
  2. Practicing Jodo
  3. Center Grip
  4. Don't forget to sign with your full name, please!
  5. SMR in Chicago?
  6. Jigen Ryu Jojutsu?
  7. Carvings on training weapons
  8. Ignorant questions
  9. SMR jo in NYC (or thereabouts)?
  10. SMR jojutsu = jodo?
  11. Developing striking skills
  12. Shindo Muso Ryu
  14. little finger usage
  15. Jodo Kyohan request
  16. Uchidachi and Shidachi
  17. origins of aiki-jo
  18. Jo and the long of arms
  20. Kusarigama finished
  21. Carrying the kusarigama
  22. Who is...
  23. Kuroda no jô
  24. Jodo terms
  25. Correct translation for "nigiri"
  26. tenouchi question
  27. Axes moved to general Koryu forum
  28. ewabo and the keijo
  29. Anyone teaching non-Aiki related Jo in Northern CA?
  30. Jo in New England?
  31. Tandoku Renshu
  32. Jojutsu/Jodo dojos in Chicago?
  33. Few questions about the 'jo'
  34. Isshin Ryu?
  35. Taiho Jutsu
  36. Has anyone heard of these?
  38. Jo Clubs in Alexandria Virginia
  39. Shinto Muso-ryu jo training in NYC area
  40. A small community?
  41. Matsui Kenji's Jo book (in translation)
  42. Police Use Of The Jo
  43. Ikkaku-Ryu?
  44. JO and AIKIJO
  45. SMR Jodo videos
  46. Away from computer
  47. Rare bird?
  48. Why so few?
  49. Shindo Muso ryu Jodo Ma-ai ?
  50. proper arrangement of bokken and jo
  51. Question from a beginner
  52. From a different angle
  53. Bujutsu/Budo research - 3 mins of your time?
  54. ZNJR Ranking/Grading
  55. Jo Instructional / Reference Books
  56. Jodo vs. Jojutsu
  57. Kusari Gama
  58. Jo in Minneapolis area?
  59. Jo teacher in the Boston Area?
  60. smr: omote vs. chudan
  61. sen
  62. etiquette of injury
  63. jo vs jo
  64. transmission and personalisation
  65. Jo Kata and History
  66. Origin of SMR's Kenjutsu.
  67. Shiokawa-ha?
  68. article on hikiotoshi
  69. Not enough koryu?
  70. jojutsu
  71. training in SMR jo, koryu
  72. Jo - Great weapon !
  73. Jodo demo at Japanese Festival in St. Louis
  74. Custom Bo maker in Kanto?
  75. recommendations?
  76. jo training
  77. Seitei differences.
  78. Shinto musoryu jo kiai
  79. battlefield conditions ;o)
  80. Jodo in southern France?
  81. Direction to links
  82. Gunnasoki's Bo
  83. jo sensei
  84. General Question on Jodo
  85. Jodo Seiteikata
  86. Anyone remember Dan (Danny) Nunez?
  87. Jodo Seminar in Petersburg, Virginia
  88. the japanese short staff
  89. practice dummies
  90. Furibo, Kanabo, and Tetsubo?
  91. Jutte and Jitte?
  92. Shinto Muso Ryu Jo lines?
  93. Info Please
  94. te no uchi in Jojutsu
  95. Storing a Jo
  96. Seminar report -- Jodo and aikido in Chicago
  97. Koryu Renmei FYI
  98. Looking for Shinto Muso Ryu in Virginia Beach
  99. SMR Jodo in Kansas City
  100. Theory or Fact?
  101. Kaeshi Tsuki
  102. How many styles of Jo?
  103. Congratulations for Oku-iri in SMR Jodo
  104. Jodo in Houston
  105. Dog Brothers?
  106. Jodo: The Way of the Stick Request
  107. Shinto-ryu
  108. Kihon kata - 12
  109. Jodo in Philly Area
  110. Jojutsu development.
  111. USA Jodo Federation
  112. USA Jodo Federation
  113. kukishin ryu compared to shindo muso ryu
  114. Randori question
  115. Hey any of you guys ever do the dog brothers thing?
  116. hey dose any one know where i can find a list of jo teachers in my aria?
  117. Jo sizes
  118. Upcoming Tokyo jodo training
  119. koryu.com
  120. Happy New Year to everyone,
  121. Where to train in Sweden?
  122. Jodo seminar!
  123. Jodo and the ZNKR
  124. SMR in So Cal
  125. Stick grappling with the Jo
  126. Names for parts of the jo
  127. Jubei no Jo
  128. Jodo Dojo's ?
  129. Jo threads
  130. SeiTei Jo Seminar in Guelph May 16-19th 2003
  131. swordwork and jodo
  132. ZNKR testing
  133. recruitment
  134. Your favourite section of jo
  135. SMR JO in NYC
  136. tosui tanjo
  137. New Jo Portal
  138. video research
  139. Cutting a Jo
  140. Did Ernest Hemingway do jodo?
  141. Hard wood?
  142. kodachi
  143. Gi with wide sleeves for jodo?
  144. Lack of faith
  145. Synergy effects: Iaido and Jodo
  146. Dojos in Southern California?
  147. Upcoming FEJ events
  148. Downunder Seminars with Nishioka Sensei
  149. European Championships 2003
  150. tasmanian oak for jo
  151. What are the characteristics of good kiai?
  152. suio ryu jo-jutsu
  153. warped jo
  154. Gruzanski and Jodo
  155. snapped tanjo
  156. Iaijutsu in SMR
  157. Does a jo have to be 50 inches?
  158. Aiki jo is thicker than SMR?
  159. Sanding the jo and chalking your hands.
  160. Seriously Warped Jo Puns
  161. Jodo Classes
  162. Happy Xmas My Friends
  163. Have you guys ever have put on some Kali armor and just gone ape on each other?
  164. Jo "New Years Resolutions"....
  165. technical term jodo
  166. Niten Ryu vs Nito waza in Jodo
  167. The Last Samurai got me thinking..........
  168. Black Belt Requirements
  169. Dan ranking vs. Menkyo
  170. Kingfisher Jo
  171. 31 count jo kata
  172. Takeda-ryu Jojutsu (Uchida-ryu Tanjo & Kukishin-ryu Hanbo)
  173. Best SMR Jodo Book?
  174. Jodo and Other Weapons
  175. Things that make you go hmmm!
  176. Just got my new Jo (and Tanjo)
  177. book by shimizu sensei
  178. Kensei to Gokui - Jo practitioner query
  179. 4 foot hanbo
  180. Soke - headmaster
  181. Fukuoka - Tokyo
  182. Question
  183. Unknown Jodo book?
  184. Sword cutting a jo during a parry?
  185. Timing
  186. Shidachi with boken
  187. Differences between koryu and seitei
  188. Wearing of wakizashi with katana
  189. Keijojutsu
  190. Musashi vs. Gonnosuke--details of second fight?
  191. Tips that i need.
  192. Cinema stickwork
  193. Nagashi No Jo
  194. my jo is sticky
  195. Rembukan Dojo 15th Anniversary Gasshuku
  196. New Jo Class --San Francisco
  197. History of Isshin Ryu Kusarigama Justu
  198. Kata and Senses
  199. kasumi shinto ryu
  200. Jodo dojos in North Jersey
  201. All quiet in jodo forum...again.
  202. The Canary Islands Stick Fencing
  203. Advantages of Jo and Bo: A comparitive discussion
  204. Jo Katas
  205. tenouchi of jo
  206. Bo/ Jo/ etc.
  207. jodo school locations
  208. Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo Media
  209. The Traditional Canary Islands Stick Fencing
  210. Shindo Muso Ryu KORYU forms
  211. Seiryukai May Gasshuku
  212. Kuroda Han torite/yawara/etc. ?
  213. Jodo Kyohan - Nakajima Sensei
  214. kodachi?
  215. SMR DVD with Shimizu and Kuroda Sensei
  216. Tape on the Jo-staff
  217. Your reason for taking up Jodo
  218. Looking for Jodo instruction in LA
  219. SMR DVD with Matsui Kenji Sensei
  220. Should one start off with koryu or seitei first
  221. Full Syllabus of SMR Jodo
  222. length of jo
  223. Blistered Thumb and Web of hand
  224. 2006 Australian Jodo Seminar and Championships
  225. Canadian Jodo grading Nov 13, 2005
  226. JoJutsu in Philly?
  227. European Jodo Championships
  228. Jodo in Tahoe/Reno area?
  229. How to start training in SMR jodo
  230. Jodo Seminar
  231. Jodo
  232. Phil Relnick interview on AJ
  233. Jodo in NYC area
  234. SMR Succession
  235. Shinto Muso-ryu Hozen Kai?
  236. Matsumura no Jo
  237. Non Martial Training with a Jo
  238. Fujita Seiko?
  239. Police Jo?
  240. The Jinja of Muso Gonnosuke
  241. width of grip in (aiki-)jo
  242. The practical usage of the Jo during Edo-period
  243. A Book on Tenshin Shoden Shinto Muso Ryu Jojutsu
  244. Jodo Dojo Finder.
  245. Ho hum...
  246. Announcing: Shinto Muso-ryu jo in Philadelphia
  247. 45 min Seitei Jodo video on google-video site
  248. Shimizu sensei video clip (youtube)
  249. small finger on bottom?
  250. Foreign Exchange for Jodo.