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  1. Mensoree!
  2. Shime...
  3. Motobu-ryu
  4. Links & FAQs for RUMA Forum
  5. Isshin Ryu vs. Isshin Ryu
  6. Information
  7. I have some questions...
  8. Old Ranking Systems
  9. Matsubayashi-ryu
  10. How many kata is enough?
  11. Vertical punch vs. reverse punch
  12. What about the Kyusho Jutsu?
  14. Matsumura Nabe: Real or Fabrication?
  15. Tensho Kata
  16. Matsumura Hakutsuru: Your Views?
  17. Any opinions of Isshin Ryu?
  18. Naihanchi
  19. KATA: Kusanku
  20. KATA: Chinto
  21. KATA: Gojushiho
  22. KATA: Wanshu
  23. KATA: Passai
  24. KATA: Rohai
  25. KATA: Wankan (aka Okan)
  26. KATA: Ananku
  27. KATA: Sanchin
  28. KATA: Pinan I - V
  29. KATA: Fukyukata & Gekisai Kata
  30. Ranks, Titles & Other Bull!
  31. Hikite
  32. Where can I find this material on the kata?
  33. Influence on the Okinawan MA and on the Japanese MA as well
  35. Training a single kata for 7 years?
  36. Katas & Hojo-undo (Uechi Ryu, Pan Gai Noon)
  37. Explain this technique please
  38. Have you read Measara's book?
  39. Isshinryu in Roanoke, VA?
  40. ISSHIN RYU in the South?
  41. Invite to another thread.
  42. Arigato for the invitation
  43. KATA: Seisan ?
  44. Higaonna Kanryo teachers and kata
  45. Chitose Tsuyoshi
  46. Ino Needed On certain Techniques and schools
  47. Dillman and Montaigue
  48. Opinions on different Japanese/Chinese styles?
  49. A couple questions for those more scholarly than myself
  50. Yabiku Masakatsu of Okinawa
  51. makiwara training
  52. Bujutsu/Budo research - 3 mins of your time?
  53. Kusanku
  54. Finding traditional Motobu-Ryu Teacher
  55. Goju Ryu tech ?
  56. Online Chat with Michael Rosembaum ...
  57. Chosei Motobu in Hawaii
  58. Kiai
  59. Empi = Wansu?
  60. Bogu Kumite
  61. Hohan Soken for Sale
  62. Jari Bako
  63. Seisan (again)
  64. Tate-ken V's Sei-ken
  65. Uchinadi => Nippon-den Karate-do Kata
  66. Dojo in Olympia WA
  67. Grapplin' type schtuff
  68. Oyata Footage?
  69. New Video Set
  70. Taika Oyata's kata videos reviewed
  71. Goju Kata vid clips perhaps?
  72. More Kosho Shorei Kempo questions
  73. Got videos?
  74. Goju Ryu Karate / Japanese Aikido Connection
  75. Karate? Kenpo?
  76. Goju ryu karate do links
  77. Uechi-Ryu dojo in Charlotte, NC?
  78. Some pointless annoying questions from the pointless annoying questions guy.
  79. Sanchin kata and Seiuchin kata
  80. A couple of interesting & relevant threads
  81. Corkscrew Punch
  82. William Durbin -- Kosho Ryu historian?
  83. Uchinadi???
  84. Thank You
  85. Goju Shorei
  86. Uechiryu, a Ryukyuan art?
  87. Okinawan Karate in Charlotte or Gastonia, NC
  88. Did Choki Motobu' style just vanish from the face of the earth?
  89. Shotokan to Isshinryu
  90. Differences between Ryuha
  91. The Bubishi
  92. Karate in Vegas?
  93. Okinawan Kenpo
  94. New Member
  95. Views of Sanchin Kata
  96. Backgounds
  97. Hi, looking for someone
  98. Roots
  99. Happy Holiday
  100. Fukyugata/geki sai
  101. princlples by motobu
  102. Bugeisha
  103. Saifa/Saiha
  105. Motobu Choki's 1932 Watashi no Karate-jutsu
  106. Info about Uechi Ryu
  107. Hakutsuru List
  108. information please
  109. Karate in Hawaii
  110. Seisan
  111. Uehara Seikichi sensei
  112. Anko Itosu: Kusanku / Passai dai & sho
  113. The Old Style Fist
  114. Nihanchi kata 1,2,3
  115. Australian Koryu Bujutsu Federation
  116. Odo Sensei Passes Away
  117. Shian Toma and Rod Sacharnoski
  118. Passai
  119. Toide, Tegumi & Go Ten Te
  120. Japanese pro boxer dead at 22
  121. Thoughts on "Motobu Choki - Karate My Art"
  122. Wow!!! What the heck happened?
  123. Origin of oi-zuki
  124. Another Topic - Where will the future go?
  125. Back Issues
  126. Low Kicks
  127. 1978 Interview with Soken Hohan by Ernest Estrada
  128. Matsubayashi Ryu - Yakusoku Kumite
  129. Okinawan and Hung Gar connection
  130. Jujutsu on Okinawa
  131. Sai jutsu article
  132. Pinan Kata Origin
  133. Is kata Jion or Jitte found in Matsubayashi Ryu.
  134. Kojo-Ryu
  135. Ohan
  136. Tensho & Ba Bu Lien Er Lu
  137. Ever hear of this place?
  138. New Forum
  139. Uehara still alive?
  140. Wonderin past on Sensei
  141. Hohan Soken footage?
  142. Nepai and Ershibada, A real connection?
  143. Crane-Fist???
  144. Azato's other student?
  145. Kata
  146. Full contact tournaments?
  147. Naihanchi evolution
  148. Okinawan Karate & Crane-Fist: A Connection?
  149. A Question for Patrick McCarthy
  150. Kusanku Sho/Dai?
  151. Takeda in Okinawa
  152. Ue(i)chi Ryu?
  153. Kiyoshi Arakaki?
  154. training
  155. looking for?
  156. Florida Goju Ryu Kenkyukai
  157. Okinawa Kenpo
  158. Origins of Chinto
  159. Oyata Footage
  160. Choki Motobu
  161. Dojo Kun in Okinawa
  162. Choki Motobu's Karate
  163. Looking for a co-moderator ...
  164. Origin of the founders
  165. Why the Need for Modern Kata???
  166. Sokon ("Bushi") Matsumura
  167. Chatan Yara
  168. Florida Training Group
  169. okinawa dance
  170. Kyan Lineage Question
  171. Hakutsuru in Okinawa
  172. Tora-no Guchi
  173. Hakutsuru and it's relation to your art
  174. Origins of *Okinawa* Karate
  175. Jap vs Oki Karate - Diffrences ?
  176. Lessons of Ishimine Ryu
  177. Uechi-ryu?
  178. Looking for a dojo in the San Diego area.
  179. Questions about a style of Okinawan Karate
  180. White Crane 3 Battles Set=Sanchin?
  182. Traditional training aids
  183. Interview
  184. I would not have told that (or why doesn't Ed Boyd like Suparimpei)
  185. Wither the Side Kick
  186. Why Kata are different from one style to another.
  187. From Ryukyuan Unarmed Martial Arts to Karate
  188. Diff in Jap. vs Oki. Teaching?
  189. RyuKyu Kempo vs Jujitsu Tactics
  190. Pinan in Goju?
  191. First hand experiences learning Ti?
  192. Here's a Question for you...
  193. Makiwara Training
  194. Okinawan Shorinryu
  195. Nifanchi Testing
  196. Okinawan Warrior Symbol
  197. Taika Oyata
  198. To Isshin Ryu People: DeWayne Tarver's Contact Info
  199. Shôrin, Shôrin or Shôrin?
  200. re
  201. What rank have you achieved?
  202. Eizo Shimabukuro...
  203. question about Naihanchi Kata
  204. A Rare Book? 1967
  205. br
  206. Nan Ban Sato Ryu Kenpo-Jutsu
  207. Looking for Okinawan karate Instructor
  208. fujitaseiko.tripod.com, For any shito ryu and Konishi Yasuhiro connected arts.
  209. Oyata videos
  210. Why Passai?
  211. Traditional Ryukyu Kempo and Karate in Japan
  212. Samurai & Kempo
  213. sparring
  214. Juko-Kai????
  215. Guardians Of Okinawa Karate
  216. training regimine
  217. Hi
  218. Mr. Itosu's wife?
  219. Passai Sho
  220. Hohan Sokan's SECRET notes! Ooooh....
  221. Kicks in Chinto (Matsubayashi-ryu)
  222. Chishi
  223. updates
  224. Video Link: Black Tiger Fighting Set
  225. chi ishi
  226. High Ranking Okinawans in the US
  227. Favourite thing about Okinawan Karate
  228. goju ryu dojo in kawasaki kanagawa prefecture
  229. Just curious
  230. Into Character
  231. Different Kamae te
  232. Takahara Peichin
  233. Live Chat Room
  234. Te Question
  235. Machiwara Training?
  236. bodyguard course
  237. shorin ryu shorinkan
  238. Where have all the ryuha gone?
  239. What makes your karate Okinawan?
  240. White crane, hakutsuru etc.
  241. Matsumura & Higashionna
  242. Bogu training question
  243. Kakie on the net
  244. Anyone else in okinawa?
  245. Motobu Choki
  246. Most misunderstood shorin kata?
  247. Do you want rank or knowledge???
  248. Chosei Motobu 2005
  249. Okinawa Ti and Shorinryu Site
  250. Tetsu-geta, anyone?