View Full Version : The high tech dojo

John Lindsey
5th December 2003, 15:35

I am wondering what forms of high tech if any, you use in your dojo? For instance, some teachers give their students ID cards with a barcode. The students scan the card when they enter and leave, giving the owner a up to date list of what days the student attended and if they were late, etc.

Use of videos to record students rank tests. Great idea for the kids I think.

I have visited one video in which new students watched a video of the “teacher” teaching the class. It was projected on two large screen TVs. The students would copy what the teacher was doing on the tape, kinda like the Taebo training tapes. But, the teacher would walk around and correct the students, or walk out to answer the phone, etc. I don’t know if I really like that idea or not….

What kind of software do you use for your business and for keeping track or your students?

9th December 2003, 20:51
We actually use many of these methods. Some high tech and some not. The first thing in my main headquarters school is that people punch in their name to the computer to track attendance. We also, use a paper card to keep track in the class. One that a teacher can look at and make notes on.

We also have a cyber dojo via our website. The cyber dojo is only for students. It is password protected and has video clips, interactive messages, message of the month and tests for the history and tradition. The website is a great way to help the students continue their training even when they are not in the school, on vacation or at home.

I also include a business section for all the dojo's that are members of our organization. They get regular consulting from me as well as anything else they need on business. Such as flyers, forms, advertising and so on.

In spirit;
Allie Alberigo

10th December 2003, 08:04
Hi Allie,

I really like the cyber dojo idea. (I'm writing all this stuff down for when I finally get to the point where I can open my own school :D)

Just a small question about the attendance tracking, how do you use this information?


11th December 2003, 15:21
Dear Sir;

I do attendance tracking both on computer and in a file card version. They are both used for two different reasons.

I recommend checking out my website at lininja.com and see the idea behind the cyber dojo as well as my new video series on running a school.

In spirit;
Allie Alberigo

11th December 2003, 15:23
Air Conditioning (heat and cool).