View Full Version : splitting classes

10th December 2003, 07:09
I've seen a lot of schools having problems with big variations in student levels in classes. Many students start to leave when they are at the higher levels and their normal class is being overrun by students that are just starting out.

How do you handle this? Do you have minimum and maximum belt levels for classes?

10th December 2003, 17:54
Hope it is ok to discuss these issues and answer if you are NOT Allie ;)

In our school we have 4 'levels'. The first 7-9 months of training is level 1. The next 14-18 months is level 2. The next 16-18 months is level 3. After that is level 4...this is the shodan+ class. All students are encouraged to attend earlier class levels to either participate...or to help assist the instructors. At level 3 students are required to revisit level 1 and 2 from time to time in preparation for their advancement to level 4. The above numbers are pretty average...but of course someone might take slightly more or less time to progess based on their attendance and individual ability.

So far this system seems to be working out rather well. We are however continually looking for ways to improve and grow. The above model is actually somewhat different than the way I went through...and in my opinion more beneficial to the students.

11th December 2003, 14:15
Dear Michael:

That sounds great. I think this is a perfect way for you to teach your curriculum. We do this as well it is broken up in belt levels and kyu level. I am sure you understand the breakdown. I have spoken with Sensei Hayes at many of the conventions and he is on the right track with his organization. Good luck, move forward and teach the way....

in spirit;
Allie Alberigo