View Full Version : Starting out...

11th December 2003, 18:29

Is there any advice that you would give to somebody just starting to teach?

I live 45 minutes from the dojo I train at. Last year, my Sensei asked me to start a dojo where I live. I'm now holding classes in the local high school's wrestling room as part of the community education program. Money doesn't matter to me, but I would like to see the group grow, and get our own building so that we don't have to be at the mercy of the high school wrestling team's schedule.

What things did you focus on when you first started teaching? How did you grow your dojo?

I know this topic has been discussed in the "Dojo Management" section, but I would like to hear Allie's advice on the subject.

Thank you,
Trevor Jacobs

11th December 2003, 20:10
Dear Trevor;

I am not pushing personal sales here, but in a way it would help you. There is not one thing that could make the difference it is a huge amount of things synergized together. I have a video that just came out. Right now the host of E-budo is reviewing it and should give you an idea of how it could help members.

The thing that I recommend is setting goals. Start out by what you want to do. What you need to have money wise and student wise to move. Then start hitting the pavement toward the growth. I can help you in many areas. Check out my website at lininja.com about the tapes.

It is just easier. I could be writing all day.

In spirit;