View Full Version : Character and the Bushi no Michi

Ian Christie
10th January 2004, 17:56
There must be, at some time in a person's (young) life, when a defined character begins to take shape. What determines this, I am not quite sure, it's obviously a combination of more than one thing, parents, friends, those few experiences to which they have been exposed. I have seen some terrible little rodents of children come from some very pleasant adults. As a person grows physically, they also grow spiritually and intellectually. I wonder though, if that once that defined character has come into place, is it ever able to be radically changed? I would lean towards, "yes," though I believe it to be the exception rather than the rule.

Everyday you meet and talk with people who range from virtuous to morally debauched. People who are courageous and those who are cowards. Each of us has a defining set of characteristics that make us who we are, they define, obviously, our character. All of us here, are or work to be better through our budo or bujutsu. Some wish to be physically stronger, others wish to find spiritual strength. Our character determines why we wish to be better. There are very few who train for the “right” reasons.

However, I believe that budo can provide a way to remedy corrupted character. To walk the Way, one must fit themselves to It. And It calls for the budoka to be of sound morals, spirit, and character. Those who do not have these will soon find that they have wandered from the Way and have gotten lost.

This doesn’t mean that when we embark on our journey we have already achieved the above, not at all. The beginning budoka can’t be fully ready to walk the Way when they begin on the path, otherwise they would already be at the end of it (even though it never really ends...) What he or she must be have, is a willingness to change themselves for their art. They must be actively attempting to change anything in themselves that impedes their training.

11th January 2004, 06:51
On the subject of "corrupted character"..

I can relate on a very personal note..

I was banned from a Dojo that I trained at for many years due to respect issues that I had with my teacher...Looking back it was a matter of immaturity, ignorance, out of control ego, and character defieciency on my part...

I had a "corrupted" character....corrupted by ego.

I have since been attemping to correct this flaw and strenthen my weakness...it is an interesting struggle.....

I still wrestle with these issues from time to time but I am at least aware of my character flaw and attemping to correct it...

that counts for something right???

11th January 2004, 11:13
Originally posted by Teach
that counts for something right???

Yes, it does count for something. And it is the first step on the road to recovery, but it doesn't mean you should stop there.

Jigoro Kano once said: "Learn from the mistakes of others. You may not live long enough to make them all yourself."

I think you may have missed a grand opportunity, but you may go much farther if you stop admiring yourself at each successful step to admire your resolve.

"Something" is all it is, but it is a tough thing to admit to one's self.

"Keep on truckin'."


David T Anderson
11th January 2004, 14:36
In my experience, people become the kind of person they make up their mind to be. Budo can be a tool for helping them achieve this...so can a 12 Step program, or a university degree or many other things. But these things are tools...not some secret formula that will _make_ a person become wiser, kinder or more effective as a human being.

Most people can't choose their fates, but they can generally choose the path they take to find it...or they can refuse to walk any path at all, and wind up being nothing to anybody, including themselves. Any road is better than none...and Budo is better than many.

11th January 2004, 18:31

However any opportunities that I may have missed will come up again in other areas...

I lost out on training in a good jujitsu system...

But it did cause me to seek out an MMA school and now I have had privates with and trained in seminars with Royce Gracie, Frank Shamrock, Eric Paulson, etc....

True pro fighters...not just old men who have done nothing but Kata for 30 years....

Ah, see...there is that ego that I was talking about...

damn....gotta work on that....

11th January 2004, 19:12
"BUDO" will not fix a flawed character. It is a tool , simply and succinctly.

Many who've done budo for decades are still cads, shysters, predators, sexual molestors, chauvinists, etc.

Budo is not panacea, it is a tool. The individual practicing budo will be the determinant factor.

If the person doing budo isn't ready to change, there will be no change, or, worse, the change will BE for the worse.


11th January 2004, 20:55
damn chuck way to all positive and upbeat my man..

Gee thanks for your.....uh.....comtribution there.....

you can take the corncob out anytime now..............

Ian Christie
11th January 2004, 21:24
Mr. Gordon,

I agree with alot of what you say. However, I think that budo can help an individual change though, I think that it can make them more willing to reform their ways. If one truly dedicate's oneself to the Way, than they will have the oppritunity to change for the better. Then again, people who are able to truly dedicate themselves to the Way, aren't going to be (at least currently) cads, shysters, predators, sexual molestors, chauvinists. Thank you for you views
