View Full Version : Dojo in Northern California

Eric Montes
8th February 2006, 23:46
Under the direction of Miyako Tanaka Sensei (Kyoshi)

Dojo Name: El Cerrito Dojo
El Cerrito Community Center
7007 Moeser Lane
El Cerrito, CA 94530
Contact: Miyako Tanaka (miyako@urban-advantage.com)
Day & Time: Tuesday: 10:30 - 12:30pm
Friday 7:30-9:30pm

Dojo Name: San Jose State University Dojo
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA
Contact: Malyne Chiu (malynec@aol.com)
Day & Time: Thursday: 7-9pm

Dojo Name: Mountain View Dojo
Address: Mountain View Buddhist Temple
575 Shoreline Blvd
Mountain View, CA 94403-3102
Contact: Marcia Toyohara (MToyo40908@aol.com)
Day & Time: Monday: 7-9pm
Thursday: 8-9:30pm

Nathan Scott
9th February 2006, 05:53
Hi Eric,

You want me to hide the email addresses in your post? Otherwise, they will start getting a bunch of spam from the internet spam robots.

BTW, the only reason I didn't post other dojo in the various federations is because there are only so many hours in the day. I figured I'd let others jump in as they saw fit.


Eric Montes
9th February 2006, 16:39
That would be great! Please do hide the addresses. Those spam spiders are murder.

No worries. We need to get a better clearinghouse for all information for US Naginata dojos. This may actually be the best way to promote naginata and provide awareness of training location.


Eric Montes
16th April 2008, 01:13
Naginata in the San Francisco Bay Area


Eric Montes
3rd September 2008, 20:05
El Cerrito Naginata has just added a new class!

Same Location
Wednesday Nights 8-9:30 pm


El Cerrito Community Center