View Full Version : Elite School of Japanese Karate

8th April 2006, 16:53
The Elite School of Japanese Karate meets at Hurst Road Community centre every Monday & Thursday at 7.00 - 8.30pm. Class is run by Sensei A.J. Fieldhouse 6th Dan. For further information contact sensei Fieldhouse at:ajayfieldhouse@yahoo.com or phone; 07932 033390. We have a new beginners course starting shortly and new members would be very welcome.

Prince Loeffler
8th April 2006, 16:57
The Elite School of Japanese Karate meets at Hurst Road Community centre every Monday & Thursday at 7.00 - 8.30pm. Class is run by Sensei A.J. Fieldhouse 6th Dan. For further information contact sensei Fieldhouse at:ajayfieldhouse@yahoo.com or phone; 07932 033390. We have a new beginners course starting shortly and new members would be very welcome.

PLease read this link"


Please don't cross post ! and Please consider this as your very last warning.

20th April 2006, 20:57
Can you please tellme what I am supposed to have done wrong now Mr Loeffler

Prince Loeffler
20th April 2006, 21:07
Can you please tellme what I am supposed to have done wrong now Mr Loeffler

Nothing at this moment now Mr. Fieldhouse. At first I thought you posted the same thing on two different threads. That was my mistake and you got my apology.