View Full Version : Bujutsu in Himeji Japan

1st October 2007, 05:39
Hey there, I am living in a town 10 minutes away from Himeji (Takasago). I was wondering whether there was any yari-kenjutsu peeps around here? I currently work out with Akuzawa's group on a monthly basis, so I'd like to get some regular bodywork training down. Can anyone help?



3rd October 2007, 02:35
The Hontai Yoshin Ryu is based in Himeji but I don't have the contact address. They are sogo bujutsu and quite interesting to watch.

I would go to the Himeji Budokan and ask there.

I was too busy running my own club in Himeji to train with them and doing judo but considered it at one time.

3rd October 2007, 06:38
Thank you! I know there are some Araki Ryu Iai peeps out there...but am pining for some bo-jo-yari-ken work.

Joshua Lerner
3rd October 2007, 15:57
Hi Lorel - Good luck finding something. Keep us posted if you do.


4th October 2007, 03:52
Hi Lorel - Good luck finding something. Keep us posted if you do.


Thanks J. You just came back from Narita?...Back home now?