View Full Version : Suio RyuŽ in San Diego, CA

Brian Stokes
11th May 2004, 17:04
Good Day to All!

The Suio Ryu Study Group of San Diego will be opening its doors to new members, starting June 1, 2004, at the present location of the Fudochi Dojo in Solana Beach, CA. Classes will begin at 7:00pm and last until "tea time," (which usually is around 11:00pm) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please feel free to stop by and say hello!

For more specific information please visit www.sandiegokoryu.com


Brian Stokes

"Knowledge can never be transferred"
Katsuse Yoshimitsu Kagehiro, Soke
Suio Ryu Iai Kenpo

Brian Stokes
28th January 2009, 07:27
Hello to All,

I am pleased to announce that an additional night of instruction in the Suio Ryu of Iai KenpoŽ will be available in San Diego on Thursday nights, beginning on the 5th of February, 2009. The class location is at the Traditional Martial Arts Center, located off the Ted Williams Parkway (56) in the Albertson's Shopping Center. The exit is Camino Del Sur. These classes will be starting at 7:30pm and will end at around 10:30pm. The cost is $60 per month.

The exact address is: 7835 Highland Village Place, Suite D-104, San Diego, CA 92129.

Classes will start at that location on the 5th of February.

For more info I can be reached at 858-755-6447.

Brian Stokes
Dojocho, BuRaiAn Dojo
Suio Ryu of Iai KenpoŽ