View Full Version : Koryu bujutsu schools in Northern Virginia

17th April 2009, 22:03
Hello, all.

I'm curious if there are Koryu bujutsu dojo in the Northern Virginia area (from Fredericksburg on up to DC). I've done some Internet searches to no avail (so far). Mainly finding karate schools (Shotokan, Goju-ryu, etc) with "Koryu" in the school name.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dan Santillo

17th April 2009, 22:25
I would advise checking out the Capital Area Budokai ... http://www.capitalareabudokai.org/

Lots of good stuff going on there, and a number of very good instructors.

Also, Rob Rivers leads a Meishi Ha Mugai ryu study group out at the Shin Dojo in Stafford ... http://www.shin-dojo.com/

Good guy and very knowledgeable!

Shidogakuin ... http://shidogakuin.com/ has a couple of dojo in the DC area as well. They do kendo ZNKR iaido, and Muso Shinden ryu iaido.

22nd April 2009, 15:21
Ach! I can't believe I forgot about Rob. I've trained with him in the karate class in the past and forgot about the Mugai Ryu. Thanks for the reminder!

22nd April 2009, 17:21
Hi Dan,

It isn't in DC but just north of DC in Bethesda, MD (on NIH campus) there is Dr. David Hall's Hobyokan. Dr. Hall teaches Shindo Muso-ryu jojutsu (and related arts: jutte, kusarigama, tanjo, hojo, etc. ), Yagyu Shinkage-ryu kenjutsu (and related arts: battojutsu, jojutsu, etc.), and Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryu kenjutsu. I don't know if Dr. Hall is taking on any new students but might be an option for you to look into.

Best regards,

23rd April 2009, 16:55
Thanks for the reminder!
You're very welcome. If you go to see him, please tell him I said Hi!