View Full Version : Koryu in France?

5th May 2006, 19:23

I know there's the dosokai of Niten Ichi Ryu, but does anyone know of other koryu groups in France?

I'm making a short presentation on koryu in my "spoken japanese"-class on tuesday, and it's a very possible question...


Guy LeSieur
5th May 2006, 22:09
Bonjour Mme Söderman,

If Shintô musô-ryû jô interests you, maybe yous should visit this website www.fej.ch (http://www.fej.ch) . You will find several dojos in France to practice.


Brian Stokes
6th May 2006, 02:19
There are also a number of Suio Ryu dojos in France. For that matter the head Sensei in France, Robert Rodriguez, demonstrated jo with Soke Katuse in Kyoto this week. Please see:

http://www.active-dojo.com/recherche.asp?lapage2=7&D=4&T=&Dep=&Reg= , 3rd link down ("Suio Ryu")

Hope that helps!

Brian Stokes
Suio Ryu Iai Kenpo San Diego

Steve Delaney
6th May 2006, 05:24
Pierre & Claire Simon are teaching koryu in the south of France.

Pierre Simon teaches Tatsumi-ryu heiho, Toda-ha Buko-ryu naginatajutsu, Negishi-ryu shurikenjutsu, Shinto Muso-ryu jo (under Kaminoda sensei) and Okinawa Goju-ryu karate.

Oshinkan Dojo Tolouse (http://www.oshinkan.com/activites/arts_martiaux.htm)

Hope this helps.

17th October 2009, 14:13

I'm more and more interested in praticing a Koryu Bujutsu. Can someone point me to a Dojo somewhere (for Kenjutsu, Jujutsu...) in France?

Many thanks

Stéphan Thériault
17th October 2009, 18:03
il y a le dojo Oshinkan a Toulouse qui pratique plusieurs traditions. Ceux ci sont le Toda-ha Buko-ryu, le Tatsumi-ryu heiho, le Negishi-ryu/Shirai-ryu et le Shindo Muso-ryu. Voiçi le site web du dojo: http://www.oshinkan.com/

For are anglo friends, just pointing to the Oshinkan dojo in Toulouse, they offer an english version to their site if you want to check it out.

17th October 2009, 18:07
il y a le dojo Oshinkan a Toulouse qui pratique plusieurs traditions. Ceux ci sont le Toda-ha Buko-ryu, le Tatsumi-ryu heiho, le Negishi-ryu/Shirai-ryu et le Shindo Muso-ryu. Voiçi le site web du dojo: http://www.oshinkan.com/

For are anglo friends, just pointing to the Oshinkan dojo in Toulouse, they offer an english version to their site if you want to check it out.

Stephan beat me too it regarding Shinto Muso Ryu jodo. :)

Here are a few more SMR-dojos in France:

18th October 2009, 11:14

I'm more and more interested in praticing a Koryu Bujutsu. Can someone point me to a Dojo somewhere (for Kenjutsu, Jujutsu...) in France?

Many thanks

Suio Ryu Iai Kenpo


18th October 2009, 18:58
Thank you Messieurs.

26th October 2009, 14:26
in Paris with JP Reniez (7th kyoshi seitei jo, Shomokuroku in SMR from Shimizu sensei and curently studying with matsumura sensei) assisted by Laurier sensei (7th dan seitei and oku iri SMR)

Another more modest dojo in paris

Enjoy :)

27th October 2009, 10:05
Ensure that what you practice is an authentic koryu bujutsu AND that you are willing to be member of a ryu with all its consequences.
Have a quick read at www.koryu.com at least and have a look at the list of ryu. Meik and Diane Skoss are very informed members of koryu bujutsu. You will find very valuable information on koryu.
Do not hesitate to ask directly questions about the sensei's qualifications, how the transmission is structured if necessary. If the instructor or the sensei is "OK", he won't find your questions offensive.
Entering a koryu is something different from pushing a dojo's doors and tell the sensei that you are very motivated to learn such and such.
I wish you find something (a koryu bujutsu or a gendai budo) that suits yours needs.

"This is the law:
There is no possible victory in defense,
The sword is more important than the shield,
And skill is more important than either,
The final weapon is the brain.
All else is supplemental."
John Steinbeck

28th October 2009, 09:11
Thank you for the advices. My "hunger" for Koryu originates in the reading of Koryu.com.

30th March 2010, 04:31
Hello! i have found a lot of information from this forum. See you around. Keep it up.

31st March 2010, 01:06

I'm more and more interested in praticing a Koryu Bujutsu. Can someone point me to a Dojo somewhere (for Kenjutsu, Jujutsu...) in France?

Many thanks

There is a branch of Yagyu Shingan ryu Heihojutsu in Paris, and there is kenjutsu and jujutsu in their curriculum. YSR is a very interesting tradition. I think the instructor is P. Barthelemy, and I cannot comment on him personally.

Simon Louis

Marc Coppens
31st March 2010, 11:41
Barthelemy est un "grand-maitre ninja" de la trempe d' Ashida Kim et consorts.

31st March 2010, 12:18
there is also Jean-Paul Blond which is the official sensei representing the Katori Shintô Ryû in France