Hi formerseal,
I believe your concerns have already been addressed in the posts above.
George Ricard![]()
Hi formerseal,
I believe your concerns have already been addressed in the posts above.
George Ricard![]()
Last edited by thumpanddump; 14th March 2002 at 01:54.
Way to go Matt! I know what you have put into the new manual and I applaud what you have done. I support you 100% in your continued mission. You have once again set the example and shown that Rangers do Lead The Way! BTW, Dee sends his best. I am still in Japan. Let me know when you head this way. I am at your service for any thing you may need. JR has my contact info.
Alex Mordine
Mr. Olsen,
What was your BUD/s class number and who was your Training Master Chief for that class, if you don't mind me asking? No offense, we just get a few wannabe's around here once in a while. I'm sure you've probably ran into a few.
Last edited by Juan Perez; 19th March 2002 at 01:54.
Hey Alex,
Good to have you on board. I should be making a trip over there soon. We'll have to get together.
Matt Larsen
1. The defining characteristic of a warrior is the willingness to close with the enemy.
2. The winner of the hand-to-hand fight in combat is the one whose buddy shows up first with a gun.
Roger that!
Mr. Olsen,
I find it curious that your name sounds very similar to an Eric Olson (BUD/S Class 76) who just got promoted to Rear Admiral (Upper Half) recently. You wouldn't happen to be anywhere near related to this guy?
Hey, Erik (formerseal),
If you're middle name is "Sten" then, I have the e-mail address of someone from Seal Team 2 that you might be acquainted with. He told me to give you the e-mail address if you asked (and if that was your middle name, which would mean you are a Seal from ST 2). Anyway, I got his e-mail address and if you'd like it just let me know. Thanks.
Helsinki, Finland 03/2002
Although the manual was very informative and interesting, I was a bit disappointed because Acrobat Reader didn't open its illustrations. The techniques were clearly explained but the explanations were seemingly intended to be published WITH the illustrations.
I wonder if this is a problem with my computer-related skills..I understood from the other replies that they'd seen the illustrations.
I didn't find any indication on the downloads page of the digital library that the illustrations would not be included in the d/l.
Is there an other site to d/l from?
Is it a problem with the program?
If anyone knows the reason (besides my skills), pls inform me!
Anyway, thanks and all the best to you.
O. Chiburi![]()
It's good to see that the Army is taking Individual Combatives more serious. When I went basic in 1986 we recieved NO hand to hand and a walk through the bayonet course. I recieved no individual combatives training until arriving at the 11th SFG(A) and that was unoffical.
I have seen some early footage of the gracies training the Ranger Bn., I'm still not impressed. I understand that it helps the troops feel confident but will it hold up in combat? I have fought several other ex-mil personnel in the last year who suffered from the same problems. Lots of Go, but no technique to follow it up. Your thoughts.
If you would be so kind, please do sign your posts with your full, real name. You can set up your signature option in your profile to do this automatically.
Many thanks!
Krzysztof M. Mathews
Every place around the world it seemed the same
Can't hear the rhythm for the drums
Everybody wants to look the other way
When something wicked this way comes
"Jeremiah Blues, Part 1"
Sting-The Soul Cages
Matt--have you ever thought about teaching the original WW2 unarmed/armed combat methods? My dad was a WW2 ranger (4th BN) and was an instructor for the last 9 months of the war. He will be in N.O. at the reunion for WW2 RBA.
There are also a few younger men still teaching these methods.
I liked the manual (Combatives) I thought that the chapter on strikes was excellent and were applicable to LEO's and civilians.
Please gentlemen put your name at the bottom of your posts.
We have actually spent quite allot of time studying the WWII era combatives, and even farther back. The infantry center library has allot of material. One of the greatest things about the Ranger Regiment is that the real heroes keep coming back. I would love to speak to your father about the hand-to-hand training and anything else.
When we started to evaluate combative systems, to be considered a success, a system had to have two characteristics. The average soldier had to know what the system designers said they should know, and the system had to produce its own experts. We have found that the techniques of a system are not the measure. It is whether or not the soldiers know them.
It is yet to be seen whether or not we will be successful, but compare the continued worldwide success of SOMBO to the small number of people who are studying WWII era Combatives. Ask yourself why for the last fifty years there has been only very limited combatives training in the Army. While I think the WWII era combatives was valuable and practical training, I also think that it was limited in its scope and vision. The system and techniques that are ideal for expanding an Army of a couple of hundred thousand into one of several million, are not necessarily the same as those that are the best for a large professional Army.
Matt Larsen
1. The defining characteristic of a warrior is the willingness to close with the enemy.
2. The winner of the hand-to-hand fight in combat is the one whose buddy shows up first with a gun.
Any word on a timeline of your Camp Zama visit?
Matt Stone
"Strength and Honor"
Not yet, Big Army money decisions. We will probaly come this fall.
Matt Larsen
1. The defining characteristic of a warrior is the willingness to close with the enemy.
2. The winner of the hand-to-hand fight in combat is the one whose buddy shows up first with a gun.
I'll be out of here in late August, so if you show up after that, I regret missing the opportunity to meet you in person.
If you ever get up Fort Lewis way, swing by the JAG office and say hi... I would like the chance to meet you and pick your brains for info.
Matt Stone
"Strength and Honor"