dad will be at the Ranger reunion in New Orleans late in August. So will many of his old "mates." So will be some military historians who plan to interview/film those who are interested.
I understand that a few current Rangers from Benning will be on hand to escort the old timers around. (The reunion was planned for last Sept, but the WTC attack nixed most of the attendees)
The unarmed tactics that my dad shared with me saved my butt more than once during my 20 years as a NYC Court Officer, as well as on the many security jobs I moonlighted during my first 10 years. Not so much the actual techniques, but the mental attitude that he instilled in me.
I was never in the military service, but from a law enforcement/security viewpoint the WW2 methods are still very pratical. I make this statement after training in many other martial arts for the past 30 years.
I was also a good friend/student of Col. Rex Applegate of OSS/Camp Ritchie fame and I teach his pistol/shotgun/rifle point shooting methods at LEO seminars. The response has been very positive.
There are a few men in their late fourties/earlier fifties who have been studying these methods for many years who can teach the finer points of the system. (There were many variations being taugt during the war.) It really has to be learned hands on, as opposed to books/videos, to be fully appreciated.
Matthew Temkin