Posted by Stanley Pranin, 10-31-2000:
Katsuyuki Kondo Sensei's replies to Questions #4 through #7 [Translation by Alan Ballard]
Question 4: Do you think the Soke (family transmission) system will be reestablished for Daito-ryu?
Kondo Sensei: Originally Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu and Daito-ryu Jujutsu did not have a Soke. Takeda Sokaku Sensei absolutely never called himself Soke. Generally speaking, Takeda Tokimune Sensei didn?t call himself Soke. They both referred to themselves as Hombucho and Somucho [="Headquarters Director" and "Director of General Affairs," respectively]. "Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu" and "Daito-ryu Jujutsu" are the formal titles for Daito-ryu. They have no Soke and therefore have no rank, instructors or dojos attached to them. However, Tokimune Sensei did call himself Soke when referring to "Daito-ryu Aikibudo." The position of Soke was Tokimune Sensei?s alone.
The positions of Hombucho and Somucho were assigned based on the possession of seven scrolls [for transmission of the inner secrets of the art]. Both Sokaku and Tokimune Sensei gave out the titles according to the scrolls. They referred to these scrolls as Hiden Mokuroku, Aiki-no-jutsu, Hiden Ogi, Aiki Nito-ryu Hiden, Goshin'yo-no-koto, Kaishaku Soden-no-koto, and Menkyo Kaiden-no-koto. Among Tokimune Sensei?s students, I am the only person to have received even the first scroll, the Hiden Mokuroku.
Tokimune Sensei felt the then current state of affairs [of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu and Daito-ryu Jujutsu] was inappropriate for the times and decided to create Daito-ryu Aikibudo complete with dan ranks, Shibucho (branch heads), Soke-Dairi (headmaster representative), and a Soke (headmaster). Tokimune became the first Soke. However, the style was always publicly referred to as "Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu" or "Daito-ryu Jujutsu."
Comment of Stanley Pranin:
I think the main point Kondo Sensei is making here is that, in historical terms, no family transmission system existed for Daito-ryu. The adoption of this system in post-World War II Japan was decided by Tokimune Sensei and he was the only person to have used this title. No historical personage's in this line or the Takeda family before him used such a title.
In this sense, it is not even necessary to attempt to seek out or cultivate a new soke at the present time. As you can see, this becomes primarily a political issue and one of who actually assumes the leadership position in the mainline Daito-ryu school.
Question 5: What were the circumstances of your registering the words "Daito-ryu aikijujutsu" and similar terms yourself?
Kondo Sensei: First, I will present a statement I have earlier prepared regarding this matter:
Details of the registered trademark 'Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu"
In the spring of 1992, Takeda Tokimune Sensei (hereafter referred to as Sensei) began making preparations to apply for this trademark. However, as Tokimune was also ill, he appointed his second daughter, Yokoyama Nobuko, as his legal representative. Tokimune thoroughly examined the possibility of applying for trademark registration.
However, it was thought that as a result of the application Tokimune Sensei?s illness and Daito-ryu?s private information would be revealed to the Kobudo world. For these reasons, the family convinced Tokimune Sensei not to be the one to make the application.
Following this, Tokimune Sensei?s guardian and the next Soke, Yokoyama Nobuko, began making preparations to apply for the trademark rights.
Yokoyama Nobuko then held a meeting with her elder sister, who was at that time called Oshima Kyoko, regarding this matter. The meeting, at which the matter was thoroughly investigated, spanned three days. The result was that should there be an infringement on the trademark right, the family would reserve the right to bring forward a lawsuit against the offender.
However, for reasons of procedural, financial, and psychological burden, the Takeda family decided to not apply for the trademark rights.
At this point in the process I, as Soke Dairi, intervened and continued the application process for the trademark rights at the Patent Office. I was very concerned about the future of Daito-ryu. Given past events, I felt it was both important and necessary to secure the rights. After much consultation, I eventually secured the trademark rights.
[end of statement]
Regarding trademarks, the names Daito-ryu, Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu and Daito-ryu Aikibudo have been registered. The following rights have also been secured:
1. The right to plan/hold events and classes under the trademarked names.
2. Magazine and newspaper rights.
3. Video rights.
In spite of the fact that the Takeda family decided not to apply for the trademark rights, in July of 1994 Takeda Masanobu registered an appeal with the Patent office in order to be able to call himself Soke. The appeal process spanned four years and in October of 1998 the verdict was handed down as an entire victory on our part. In short, Takeda Masanobu was denied the right to call himself Soke.
Comment of Stanley Pranin:
Since I have been a close personal friend of Kondo Sensei since 1987 I have followed the matter of the copyright application from the beginning. I specifically remember that the Takeda family looked into the matter of copyrighting use of the term "Daito-ryu aikijujutsu" because of challenges from Takeda Munemitsu of Rubeshibe [Tokimune Sensei's younger brother, now deceased] and Takeda Munemitsu of Fukushima Prefective [a great-grandson of Sokaku from an earlier marriage.]
Question 6: Did Tokimune Sensei leave a will indicating who he wished would succeed him? If so, what was his health condition at that time?
Kondo Sensei: Tokimune Sensei absolutely did not leave a will. For future benefit, I?d like to be very clear about this. If a person claiming to possess Tokimune Sensei?s will were to appear, that person would be a fraud.
There once was a person who had Tokimune Sensei write a will that declared him the Soke. However, the will was written at a time when Tokimune Sensei?s illness had become quite severe. This matter was resolved by the Takeda family, in court, in Abashiri and the person has subsequently been banned from Daito-ryu.
Comment of Stanley Pranin:
The person referred to is Tokimune Sensei's younger brother, Munemitsu, who died in 1999.
Question 7: As the acting Hombucho and Somucho, do you plan to take any action against the Abashiri Seishin group?
Kondo Sensei: No comment.
Comment of Stanley Pranin:
I wish to sincerely apologize for the long delay in posting these answers. This is the sort of thing we do as a public service from time to time, but as you can imagine is very labor intensive. I would like to thank Alan Ballard for volunteering his translation services to make these texts available to everyone.
There are several more answers which consist mainly of rather lengthy printed documents that we will attempt to get to in due course. When we have finished with the questions and answers we will somehow group everything together in one place for those wishing to study in depth the matter of succession in Daito-ryu.
The answers to previous questions can be found at:
Submitted by Stanley Pranin
Posted by Carlos Estrella, 10-31-2000:
Could you ask Kondo what the status is concerning the use of the name "Daito Ryu" in regards to the Kodokai, Takumakai, etc. I know that Kondo Sensei generally has positive relationships with those groups, and would hate to see a problem with those groups having "Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu" in their names.
Posted by Stanley Pranin, 10-31-2000:
I'm sure there is no problem with respect to the groups you mention. Obtaining these trademarks was essentially a defensive act due to the aggressive acts of the two mentioned relatives.
Stanley Pranin