Pinan Kata Origin
Hello All,
First, I would like to say how much I enjoy this forum. This really is the information age when so many people can collaborate on issues.
Here is my question:
I have heard that the creator of the Pinan kata set is Sensei Anko Itosu. Fine!
Sensei Hohan Sokon has stated in the past that he learned from his teacher Nabe Matsumura (who had only one teacher, Bushi Matsumura). Of the kata he learned was the Pinan set of kata.
How, then could Sensei Itosu have created the kata if these kata were known to Nabe Matsumura, who clamed to have learned them directly from Bushi Matsumura? I also have read the Sensei Itosu was one of Bushi Matsumura's students.
I also know that it should not matter exactly who created what, except to give proper credit. It is far more important to learn the lessons that the kata provides than the origin of the kata.
None the less, I seem to be a Okinawan Karate History junkie and have the need to know.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Joe DiBella
Brown Belt
With Warmest Regards,
Joseph M. DiBella