Greetings Obata Sensei,
I'm curious about the "Walker Texas Ranger" episode
you appeared. Did you choreograph the sequence
of techniques that Chuck Norris used on you? The
techniques were obviously aikido based, kotegaeshi
and shihonage were a couple of them. Did you have
to teach these techniques to Mr. Norris?
I've also seen pictures of you showing Dolph Lundgren
some sword techniques behind the scenes during the
filming of "Showdown in Little Tokyo". How much
involvement did you have in setting up the sword
fighting sequences in that movie?
An finally in the movie "The Hunted" in which you
appeared, there was extensive swordplay. Did you
have any involvement in the choreography of the
many sword fighting scenes in that film?
Regards from a curious fan!
Brian Vickery