I live in Mass. I would be very interested in feeling this mans technique, and its similarities, or lack thereof, to Daito ryu first hand. Please let us know when he is coming.
I have been on the mats with Chiba, Yamada, Kannai, Hakko ryu teachers, Hapkido teachers dozens of Aikidoka etc. etc, and I have never felt anyone-anywhere- that feels like Daito ryu; except Daito ryu (the closest I have come was in a Koryu jujutsu) And my opinion is not for lack of trying, I searched for the similarities
I dont care to debate anyones definitions of Aiki.
One art may call very small circle jujutsu -"Aiki"
Others call >only< blending energy "Aiki,"
Still others will show you what "appears" to be a head to head crashing that is really a capturing as well as many blending technqiues and they call it "Aiki"
Still others call only the controlling of the interval, the forstalling of technqiue completions, and deceptive motions that capture the energy...."Aiki."
I am really addressing one point and one point only
What Daito ryu calls Aiki.
And mind you, I am not discussing effectiveness, there are any number of people in different arts who are able. Let me give an example: I am told that some Yanagi guys can really handle themselves -but I don't think that because they can handle themselves they are doing Goju ryu. They are doing Yanagi ryu-some; really really well.
I don't care to debate the effectiveness of your chosen art. And that isn't the point anyway. Hapkido people have claimed some rather incredible, and as yet unproven, connections to Sokaku. It seems to me that it is reasonable to expect that such claimed "lengthy and close contact" would have had a heavy enough influence on this Hapkido technique, to make it bear a very close resemblence to Daito ryu. After all even though Sokakus students went different ways-there is enough left to plainly see "the Daito ryu" in their Daito ryu.
I know of no one in Daito ryu who "sees" these similarities in Hapkido or others who have researched both who see the comparisons, nor is it something which I have yet to see personally.
Trust me when I tell you, you can go from one style of Daito ryu to another and you will see things in common that are inescapable. Yes there are different ways of doing things, but there remain certain glaringly obvious indicators of origin (which I will not discuss).
So far as I have seen Hapkido fails to deliver even the most basic building blocks of these similarites- building blocks upon which so much advanced technique is based. That is why I would love to feel it and have my eyes opened to another possibility.
Again , I am happy that you have found something effective and that you enjoy