I would be interested in knowing my fellow martial artist here... seems there are so few involved in the Japanese arts here...
I would be interested in knowing my fellow martial artist here... seems there are so few involved in the Japanese arts here...
Jason Chambers
Tatsujin Photography & Design
Looks like your not getting any hits here. You might try searching the major Aikido organizations, such as:
-Yoshinkan (International Yoshinkai Federation)
-Aikido Schools of Ueshiba (ASU - Saotome/Ikeda Sensei)
-Aikido Association of America (I think) - AAA, Toyoda Sensei
-Tomiki Aikido
-Shin shin toitsu (ki no kenkyukai - Tohei Sensei)
Or, for other aiki arts:
-Daito ryu Aikijujutsu, Roppokai
-Daito ryu Aikijujutsu, Kodokai
-Yanagi ryu Aikijujsu (Angier Soke)
-Aikibujutsu Tanren Kenkyukai (Aiki Buken - Obata SoShihan)
There are probably many others that are not popping into mind right now, but these organizations/groups might be a good place to ask around for local representation.
You may have to travel a bit if you want to learn something!
Nathan Scott
"Put strength into your practice, and avoid conceit. It is easy enough to understand a strategy and guard against it after the matter has already been settled, but the reason an opponent becomes defeated is because they didn't learn of it ahead of time. This is the nature of secret matters. That which is kept hidden is what we call the Flower."
- Zeami Motokiyo, 1418 (Fūshikaden)
Just out of curiosity, have you visited the Gentle Wind Dojo there in Baton Rouge? They are the only aikido dojo I know of in your immediate area. I'm just curious if you heard some of the same stories I did.
I just moved from Louisiana - there were two aikido schools, both of the Tomiki style. The Gentle Wind Dojo and the LSU aikido club. I never got into aikido much but I had freinds that did, and both schools had good people in them.
Gregory Robinson
Thanks but I was just wondering how many "Louisianians" were here. I am quite content with what I am doing.
Jason Chambers
Tatsujin Photography & Design
I would just like to post a dojo that is availible in Louisiana. It is not Dito-ryu although that is our parent style. The name of the dojo is Asechikan and the style is Shindo-ryu. Anyone in the area of Hammond LA interested in learning Aikijutsu please feel free to contact me by e-mail, or my Shihan by his web site at www.shindoryu.com.
Ward Pevey
Enlightenment is like
the moon reflected in
a pool.
The moon does not
get wet,
nor does the water
become broken.
Further discussion of Hinin ryu/Shindo ryu may be found in the thread "Hinin ryu/ Shindo ryu Aikijujutsu? (Eric Templet)" in the AJJ main forum:
Nathan Scott
"Put strength into your practice, and avoid conceit. It is easy enough to understand a strategy and guard against it after the matter has already been settled, but the reason an opponent becomes defeated is because they didn't learn of it ahead of time. This is the nature of secret matters. That which is kept hidden is what we call the Flower."
- Zeami Motokiyo, 1418 (Fūshikaden)
Gentle Wind dojo in baton rouge is closed, one of Ms. Becky's students from Gentle Wind has an aikido program at his dojo, Wall to Wall Martial Arts, on Hwy. 16 in Watson,La. As far I know, it is the only Tomiki Aikido Program in the Louisiana/Mississippi region.
I spoke out of ignorance, the gentle wind dojo in baton rouge is closed but apparently the gentle wind is still alive off of 16 in denham near magnolia beach rd.
Steve Pourciau