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Thread: Announcing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Baton Rouge, LA
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    Post Announcing

    Unlike many martial arts where there is a one-stop location for information, there has been no site of this type for Jujutsu. So I have decided to remedy this shortfall with Some of the things you can soon expect are...

    General history of Jujutsu
    Listings of Ryu with brief descriptions and links to sites with more extensive information. Ryu will be divided in categories by Classical (Koryu), traditional, and modern/eclectic.
    Articles about Jujutsu (see below for more information on how to contribute)
    Resources section that will include:
    Books and video tapes - reviews and where to buy
    Links to Ryu/Ryuha websites, dojos and organizations
    Suppliers of Jujutsu dogi and equipment
    Seminar and Event listings
    News and Discussion. We will be setting up a bulletin board that is dedicated to Jujutsu and a location where contributors can have their news posted.

    How you can contribute:

    The Jujutsu Information Site will be a contributor driven website, and your help will make it "the" Jujutsu website on the internet. What we are looking for initially is articles about Jujutsu. This can be on the topic of Koryu, traditional or modern/eclectic systems of Jujutsu, it's history, techniques, or anything else you can think of. If you have articles you would like to contribute, please send them to You will be acknowledged in the "by" line of the article and a link to your site or an appropriate site.
    Robert M. Carver

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Alabama Gulf Coast
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    Robert Carver is one of the best informed and well-rounded martial artists teaching today. If anyone can provide a comprehensive and useful Jujitsu website, it's Carver Sensei.

    This is a great opportunity for the Jujitsu community to not only work together but to offer a clearing house for information unavailable anywhere else. Wouldn't it be great if this prompted more cooperation within our often contentious group?

  3. #3
    Mike B. Johnson Guest


    Mr Carver,

    No disrespect here. I'm just curious about you're background and experience in jujutsu. What is your perspective. Modern, traditional ( whatever that is) or koryu.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Baton Rouge, LA
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    I have trained in the martial arts, primarily Jujutsu for over thirty years. I am the Vice President of the United States Ju-Jitsu Federation. My arts (Jujutsu) studied are primarily modern. The perspective of will be all aspects of Jujutsu, from the Koryu to the modern.

    Does this answer your question?
    Robert M. Carver

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New York
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    Default when?

    When do you expect to be up and running...I am interested to say the least...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Baton Rouge, LA
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    Thank you for your interest. Needless to say this is going to be a BIG job trying to address the many aspects of an art as diverse as Jujutsu, but I am working on some of the layout this weekend. I am also waiting for some information from several contributors or prospective contributors. I hope to at least get something up in about two weeks and will announce an official launch date soon. I just have a feeling this is going to be an "under construction" site for quite sometime.
    Robert M. Carver

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