i was just wondering if any one here has ever studied with Mr. George Dillman, or Master Taika Seiyu Oyata, or Hanshi Deveed natan, or Kyoshi Rocky Leavitt?
If not who?
i was just wondering if any one here has ever studied with Mr. George Dillman, or Master Taika Seiyu Oyata, or Hanshi Deveed natan, or Kyoshi Rocky Leavitt?
If not who?
Very little from Dillman.... a hell of alot from Jim Corn....
I still state a fact though. Dillman is for real.
bradley john
I've been a student of Sensei Roy Osborne's since early 70's. He was student of Oyata Sensei's IN Okinawa for quite some time. Mr. Dillman is a thief and not welcome in the circle of Oyata Karate Family. Go to www.smoka-usa.com for info on Mr. Dillman.
Cool, have you met mr oyata?
Haven't had the honor or privelidge yet, I hope to before he stops teaching. He is one of the GrandFathers of my KarateDo.
I think he will keep up, until he no longer can.
He is very open to meeting people at seminars, www.kushu.com has all of the dojos in the Ryu Te assosiation listed, and seminars, also check the dojo pages for seminars they regularly have with him, or go to his birthday party. You can contact him through kushu.com.
My best,