Hello everybody I would really like to explore this side of the MA's (meditation ) for relaxation aplications could anyone make a few suggestions thanks
Hello everybody I would really like to explore this side of the MA's (meditation ) for relaxation aplications could anyone make a few suggestions thanks
Keep to the way of the warrior
Mc'pherson Lee
what are you wanting to know about exactly?
you should read my last post in the meditation thread.
Steven Fletcher Radzikowski
Hi. I was thinking of a few simple excercises to get me started. Any suggestions?
Keep to the way of the warrior
Mc'pherson Lee
relaxation exercises?
meditation exercises?
i'm not following exactly what youre wanting to learn.
Steven Fletcher Radzikowski
A few of both with main focus on meditation.
Keep to the way of the warrior
Mc'pherson Lee
my teacher wrote a book. has become very famous.
try to read that book, and find a meditation group near you. thats the best way to start.
if you have more specific questions let me know.
good luck.
Steven Fletcher Radzikowski
Bhante G. isn't my teacher. On the other hand, my teacher insisted I get a copy of his book. My conclusion?Originally posted by Ehipassiko
my teacher wrote a book. has become very famous.
try to read that book, and find a meditation group near you. thats the best way to start.
if you have more specific questions let me know.
good luck.
This is very good advice for both beginners and long-time practitioners of meditation, without regard to the tradition with which they are associated.
The book lives up to its title and then some. If you're only buying one book on meditation, this is the one to buy. And if you have a huge library of books on meditation and this one isn't part of it, your collection is grievously incomplete.
Finding a meditation group is good advice too. Look around. Groups are like shoes: it's better to find a good fit than to step into the first thing that catches your eye.
Hope this helps.
Fred Little
Fred, yeah it is a great book. Its simple and well...in plain english.
he's lectures are good.
i have some availble in mp3 format actually.
he gives very good advice in person. on a trivia note, i've never seen any one consume as much raw garlic as he does.
he wrote a great book on the Jhanas but it isnt availble any more...which is sad.
Steven Fletcher Radzikowski
Hello Lee ,
I found this information of two zen-groups.
I do not know if Thessaloniki is far away of these but maybe people can help you to find a group in your area.
Dragonfly-Kobossis Andreas-School of Zen Meditation
Parthenonos 10 . Nea Erithrea
Contact: Andreas Kobossis
Tel: 0944135878
Denomination: Dragonfly-Kobossis Andreas-Scholl of Zen Meditation
Lineage: Yu-Wei
Teacher: Andreas Kobossis
Affiliated to: Kwan Um School of Zen
Zen Centre
Vouliagmeni, Loutraki
Corinthia, 20300 Greece
Tel: 2741091181
Email: maurer@otenet.gr
Web site: www.xuyun.org/Greek/Dharma/Home/
Tradition: Zen Order of Master Xsu Yun
Contact: Fa Lian
This is only information that I found from web so I don`t have personal experience of them.
You can find lots of other information of Zen and Zazen from the internet and books but of course it would be ideal to work with an instructor or teacher.
Here is a link of other (Tibetan)Buddhist-groups in Greece:
Hope you find what you`re looking for
Thanks i'll check them out
Keep to the way of the warrior
Mc'pherson Lee