Ok, I'm guilty. My curriosity has just gotten the better of me.
May be Mr. Tisdale we should go over to your BB and talk about this.
And what BB would that be? *I* don't have one. I do post on RMA, www.aikidojournal.com, and here. My posts (and any subsequent discussions) are a public record, open to all, and all are welcome. Yet *I* host no "BB"s myself, so am mystified by your statement. Could you be more specific?
That is you were not highly liked here at one time.
I don't know that I am "highly liked" now (and don't really care). And didn't care "at one time" whether I was liked or not. As far as the vast majority of posters here, I am a pion. I am lowly ranked, fair to middlin on my best day on the mat, and content to struggle on day by day trying to improve. As such, I come here to learn. The few things I think I have a handle on I share. I *try* to do so intelligently, however. And I try to do some research to avoid asking stupid questions, or annoying people.
If I remember right you didn't get along with the people you seem to now. That is you butted heads and had opinions.
Well, lets see. Could you please name some of the people I've "butted heads" with? I do remember one gentleman in the CQC area: I made some presumptions, and was called on them. The gentleman and I resolved our differences amicably. I recall some discussions with Arthur as well; he and I go back aways on RMA. Again, I believe the discussions were amicable. Hey, I've always had opinions, and been willing to share them. No one here views that as a crime, not even when you do it.
Alluding to not everyone is a suck -up. Metaphorically speaking. And since then have taken advantage of the crash and changes on this BB. I am alluding to you are jumping on a bandwagon, attack me without provication because it has become the "in thing" to get kudos from other posters.
I don't think the other posters have given me any kudos (nor would I want any). I made my comments about and to you because they were my opinions. You are rude, obnoxious, uninformed, and your mindless dribble brings down the quality of this board. Suck up? Oh well, if thats the worst insult you can bring to the show, have at it.
And as for taking advantage of the crash; I was having some really great discussions before the crash...I hope the old material becomes available soon...I'd like to continue them.
Now, Mr. Tisdale all metaphorically speaking. Let's go to your board and talk hypocrisy shall we sir? People in glass houses (house of Winsor if you like) shouldn't throw stones because they see the other kids doing it. Therefore your unsolicated personal flame is uncalled for. Otherwise, I suggest you stop flaming me, or is there another reason for your numberous unsolicited flames sir?
Anyone who doesn't want to get flamed should take good advice when its given (and it was given, to you, by several people). Perhaps I've "piled on" a bit. It certainly has not been hypocritical; I stand by everything I've said. Oh, and the word is numerous, which my "flames" have not been. But you are right about one thing; as annoying and useless as your drivel has been, it has not been directed at me, so back in the closet I go.
Ron Tisdale
Mommy didn't raise me stupid, just obnoxiously forthcomming and opinionated. "I am not worthy! I am not worthy!"
You really shouldn't feed people opportunities like this one....they are *very* hard to pass up!