I, like many folks here, have come to question the claims of the Abashiri Daito Ryu folks, but one question has been largely ignored (unless I've missed something - if so, please point me in the right direction)... since many of the senior folks in the Abashiri group come from the Daitokan originally, how good are they? Has anyone seen their technique "up close?"
Thank God (or your own divine power if you have one) for people like Kondo Sensei, Kiyama Sensei here in California, the folks in the Takumakai, Kodokai and all the other associations teaching true Daito Ryu as passed on to their founders by Takeda Sokaku or his senior students... my main concern here though, is whether we're spinning our own wheels debating the legitimacy of one group over another.
From a legal standpoint, I'm sure Kondo Sensei has the best claim. From a technical standpoint, I'm also sure he has a legitimate claim to the complete Daito Ryu curriculum as passed down by Takeda Tokimune Sensei. I'm not so sure about all the Abashiri bashing I've seen here and elsewhere, regardless of their claims. Granted, I'm not fond of all of the history rewrites coming out of Abashiri - then again... most of us weren't there when those folks broke away from Takeda-san's school, nor do we know why they did.
Forgive me for such a long post... comments?
E. Carlos Estrella, Jr.
The strength of a man is not measured in how much he can lift, how many he can fight or how much he can endure, but in his capacity to admit his limitations and learn to successfully circumvent them.