Hi, I am new to the Houston area and wanted to know a good dojo in Houston. I am living on the NW side of town, but will travel anywhere to a good school. Thank you very much.
Hi, I am new to the Houston area and wanted to know a good dojo in Houston. I am living on the NW side of town, but will travel anywhere to a good school. Thank you very much.
--Thomas Anselmi
Katsujin Ryu Budokai
Here's what I know about the Houston area ...
Emily Egan runs an MJER iaido dojo in Clear Lake under the auspices of John Ray sensei, nanadan kyoshi. Here's their web site ... http://www.clear-lake-iaido.com/ If you've been practicing in the Komei Jyuku, that would probably be your best bet. There are some differences between Sekiguchi sensei's MJER and the ZNIR MJER, but more commonality than difference.
Darrell Craig teaches iaido and kendo at Houston Budokan ... http://www.houstonbudo.com/
Craig Hocker used to run a Muso Shinden ryu iaido study group, but I don't have any contact info for him. You'll have to try and track it down yourself.
Good luck!
Paul Smith
"Always keep the sharp side and the pointy end between you and your opponent"
thanks for the quick response! i am pretty upset i cannot train at my old dojo, since Sekiguchi sensei was making yearly visits. however, im sure i will find a great place in houston also.
--Thomas Anselmi
Katsujin Ryu Budokai
Egan-sensei runs the only MJER dojo in the Houston area that I know of. The bad news is that Clear Lake is decidedly on the south side of Houston. It's a bit of a commute if I'm not very much mistaken, but what can you do.
I think you will find Egan-sensei runs an excellent program. While she doesn't have annual visits from Sekiguchi-sensei, Tanida-sensei(Hachidan Hanshi) does come to Denton once a year, and our ranks come directly from Ikeda-soke. Ray-sensei gets down to Houston a couple of times a year or so, and Egan-sensei organizes trips up to Denton two or three times a year. She also gets over to Japan to visit with Tanida-sensei once a year or so.
Our MJER will probably look a little different to you at first. The basics are mostly the same, but with a few differences here and there.
Charles Mahan
Iaido - Breaking down bad habits,
and building new ones.
Craig Hocker's info:
The website is for Craig's aikido dojo, but he also teaches Muso Shinden Ryu iai.
He's a great guy, lots of fun AND he's a real brain scientist! No, really.
Say hi from Chuck and Emily in Germany if you see him.
Last edited by Chuck.Gordon; 11th February 2006 at 06:26. Reason: damn L key being sticky
Sugarland is on the Southwest side of Houston, but it's certainly closer than Clear Lake. Depending on just where our poster is on the Northwest side of town, this might not be too far.
Charles Mahan
Iaido - Breaking down bad habits,
and building new ones.
Thanks Chuck!Craig Hocker's info:
I had heard a couple years ago that he was out there, but did not have any contact info for him. I'll stick that one in my list, along with that fact that you endorsed him! It's good to know.
Paul Smith
"Always keep the sharp side and the pointy end between you and your opponent"
Here's the link for Craig's locations.Originally Posted by Chuck.Gordon
He actually teaches in several places. The Aikibudokan is in Northwest Houston where Craig sensei has students but I don't think he teaches there regularly. I myself live in Northwest Houston and I train with him at the Hope Center in the Heights which is near the downtown. Craig sensei is an excellent teacher and the dues are low. We also have a bi-annual visit from Shihan Roger Wehrhahn who is excellent. I believe he will be in Houston this April.
Best wishes,
Jorge Garcia
wow, thanks for all of the replies guys...now i need to start making the rounds
--Thomas Anselmi
Katsujin Ryu Budokai
Just don't try to visit Egan-sensei this weekend. She and all her students will be up here in Denton to see Ray-sensei's instructor from Chiba. Tanida-sensei will be running a Koushukai(seminar) and a Shodan Shiken (rank exam). If you're gonna try to get down and see her, I'd wait till the following weekend.
Charles Mahan
Iaido - Breaking down bad habits,
and building new ones.
I would add, belatedly, that there is a local fencing forum for the Houston area that includes an iaido board, that Emily Egan moderates and checks pretty close to daily.
If you have questions about iaido in Houston, it is probably a good first stop.
Here is the link:
Texas Gulf Coast Fencing Forum: Iaido
Egan-sensei is pretty easy to get ahold of via email. Her address is listed on her dojo website. The website is a bit out of date(her website shows sandan, but she's ben yondan more than a year), but I'm pretty sure her email is correct.
Charles Mahan
Iaido - Breaking down bad habits,
and building new ones.
Hey, I stumbled across this thread...
I teach Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido in central Houston. My school is a member of San Shin Kai.
Houston San Shin Kai
has my contact information.
I host a seminar twice a year with Roger Wehrhahn, head of North American San Shin Kai, and attend the annual summer camp intensive.
been studying Iaido since about 1994.
you are welcome to come by for a visit.
We will be moving in to a bigger space in July.
Craig Hocker
Welcome to E-budo Hocker-sensei.
Charles Mahan
Iaido - Breaking down bad habits,
and building new ones.
Simply updating the online location of our dojo information,
best to all.
Craig Hocker
Houston San Shin Kai