Thank you for your response to my previous question.
My next question deals with the ideal within the Jinenkan of perfection of kata in training as a way of becoming masterful in combat. In my profession, I need tools for self-defense right away and may not have the necessary time to practice a kata thousands of times in order to get it right. How does the Jinenkan reconcile endless repetition of kata over the need for immediate self-protection ability? For example, muto dori kata may take years to get right, but I may need to use it tomorrow night if someone pulls a knife on me, so how would you recommend training for such a possibility?
Obviously kata training is vital to mastery of taijutsu, but a lot more goes into the development of a warrior than just practicing in front of a mirror. What do you teach your Jinenkan members to enable them to develop real-world skills from the start of training? Do you include randori in the training? What about henka?
Thanks very much for your response!
Frank Champas