California Maki Roll is my favorite uramaki. Can someone share a delicious recipe please. I want to try making my own rolls.
California Maki Roll is my favorite uramaki. Can someone share a delicious recipe please. I want to try making my own rolls.
Marley RichardsGum Disease Cure || Diabetes Software
This link on will get you started.
These may seem simple but rolling and getting it seasoned right on the rice is not as simple as they make it seem. Be patient, and take your time. Expect to have the first 10-12 attempts to not work too well.
You can get the proper mat for rolling from most Japanese grocery stores, if not then do a search on line, and order one. A Couple extra things.
My mom always suggests adding a splash of ponzu or lemon zest to the rice seasoning. Seems to add a nice little extra in my opinion.
Remember, the fresher the ingredients, the better the sushi.
Have fun!
Most often I see Calfornia Rolls made with surimi, but I like to make mine with fresh Dungeness Crab (Dungeness Spit is only a stone's throw from my house).Originally Posted by Marley
Other than that, I go pretty much by the standard recipies, but I go light on the roe (not in all recipies) to better taste the delicate sweetness of the crab.
Yours in Budo,
I sometimes sprinkle a little lemon juice on the avacado if I'm not going to use it right after slicing, to keep it from turning brown. The bright notes it adds to the flavor is an added bonus.Originally Posted by Neil Yamamoto
I like the idea of lemon zest in the rice; I'll have to try that, too.
Yours in Budo,