Hi all,
I am announcing that my new web site, http://defendyourself101.ca has gone live!
It is a "how to" site to show elementary self defence techniques and related principles and strategies to non-martial artists, seniors and women etc. As such, it will look elementary to all you hard chargers, but hey, perhaps you know a beginner who might get something out of it. This is the seed of an organic process that will grow and grow and grow and...oops sorry, I get a little carried away sometimes.
It also show cases my cane video (new one coming in the spring) and my book on Cdn Law and Self Defence.
defendyourself101 is in three parts:
1. On the Home page are the articles that I write about self defence topics in general. Also on the Home page are short teaching videos about the how-to’s of simple and effective self defence. So far these clips are pretty bad and I hope to get upgrades and more done soon.
2. The forum: the place where we can discuss the videos or any other little thing that has caught your attention; necessary corrections, suggestions and, of course, rants for those so inclined!
3. The Reviews page contains reviews of books and videos, on various pertinent topics, that I have read, with direct links to Amazon. I hope to add to this list at least one a week. Both articles and reviews have an RSS feed link if you want to keep up with my blatherings.
The clips are also posted on youtube in the defendyourself101 channel. If you have youtube videos up, let me know where, I can do a subscription or a friend link.