Hi, I am interested in Toda-ha buko-ryu. Could anybody tell me the contact on Mr. Pierre Simon from France?
France is the only place in Europe one can practise it?
Thank you for any information about Toda-ha buko-ryu in advance very much.
Hi, I am interested in Toda-ha buko-ryu. Could anybody tell me the contact on Mr. Pierre Simon from France?
France is the only place in Europe one can practise it?
Thank you for any information about Toda-ha buko-ryu in advance very much.
try www.oshinkan.com
That should get you there.
Johan Smits
Mr. Honza, it is of life-and-death importance that you sign all your posts with your full, real name. The best way to do this is to fill out the signature option under the User CP link at the top of the page.
Also, I'm going to rename your thread to reflect the existing nomenclature being used in this forum.
Nathan Scott
"Put strength into your practice, and avoid conceit. It is easy enough to understand a strategy and guard against it after the matter has already been settled, but the reason an opponent becomes defeated is because they didn't learn of it ahead of time. This is the nature of secret matters. That which is kept hidden is what we call the Flower."
- Zeami Motokiyo, 1418 (Fūshikaden)
If you are looking for training pals in France
Unofficial, neutral, and open portal of all the Naginata in France!