I am curious about a few things concerning the DR Abashiri (?) Dojo.
First of all, did they recently change their name from Seishinkai to Siseikan?
I understand Kato, Sano and Arisawa left the main Dojo so they could continue to train without getting involved in the political mess? is that true as far as you know?
Another question that bothers me- I recently heard that people that studied under/with Antoninio Certa, and after leaving Certa to train under Kondo, were to return to their white belt rank, no matter their rank was under Certa? does that apply to anyone who belongs to the Abashiri Dojo, including people outside Japan who choose to train under Kondo in the future? And if thats true, why is that? Is it because of some basic difference in the techniques or some other reason?
Are the people in Abashiri and Kondo's students meet together for seminars, tests, or any other activity or are they completely separated from each other?
Sorry for making such a mess and asking so many questions at once. I've been reading the threads on the lineage controversy the past few days and most of it is total news for me!
I hope to get some more information.
Thank you
Gilad Ronen,
Daito-Ryu white belt, Israel.